{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The years of struggle...

Have you ever felt soooo scared or soooo sad that you just wanted to find a rock and hide under it?? Maybe if you just hid, everything would miraculously be that much easier.. Does anything ever turn out better when we hide? ... Lately I have been stressing a lot... I mean, I'm leaving in about three weeks. I've done this before so why am I so worried??

My whole life I've had to adapt and overcome. I don't recall a whole lot being easier.... In school I had to study harder.. in sports I had to practice harder... At Basic Training my whole flight had to adjust in a way other flights didn't. We didn't have heat for the first week, our pipes broke and we had to move to a completely different squadron the next..and that was just the start. Those are little struggles I have had to deal with, but still...struggles. I always asked, "Why can't ONE thing go right?" ..."Why can't ONE thing be easy?" ...but is it supposed to be? You'd think by now I'd be used to it anyway...

People ask me, "Well isn't this what you wanted?" Welllllll..... Yeah!!! But even though things may be headed in the right direction it can still be a bit of a struggle. ..It's hard leaving what you know...leaving that comfort zone. Honestly, I'm scared TO DEATH!! I don't want a pitty party or anything, but these will be the toughest days of my life yet!!
 "You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward." -unknown
Why am I so worried about having it all figured out? I have the amazing support of my family and friends. Some people are unfortunate enough to not have that... isn't that all I need? The belief from them..the belief from God... the belief from myself??

It's fun trying new things..going to new places! :) I've never been to Mississippi before and I most definitely am looking forward to that and my new journey... no matter what the struggle.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." -Sigmund Freud

Even now I look back on my past and realize that the things I went through... the "awful" things I encountered, they truly are the most beautiful. Those times, more so than the good, made me who I am. My struggles taught me everything! ...I may be scared, and times may be tough, but I have so much to live for and I'm going to miss everyone, but.. at least I have people in my life to miss. :) <3

If any of you are going through any type of struggle..don't give up. Don't always take the easy route just to make it. What is anything worth if you aren't putting everything out on the line? Take some risks and go after what you want. And sometimes when you go after your dreams, you may have to walk alone for a while..go your on way to figure out who you are, but it is then that you also find out who your true friends are... the people who stay by your side the whole time and don't allow you to travel alone.

There are others things we have to find before we find eachother... one thing being ourselves.
Sometimes... all that struggle is well worth it in the end.
