{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

I love you all

I'm so out of practice with this writing thing...makes me sad. I don't really have a lot of time and not able to access internet at times either, but I wanted to make a point to write a little more. ...Today is a historic day for everyone... the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. It effects all of us, even if not directly. But much more than that... today six years ago, myself and a numerous amount of other people lost an amazing girl. That day is burned into my memory... I remember every moment perfectly.... every.single.moment.in.slow.motion.

It's tough being away from home during a moment like this, but it's nice to know that my new friends, who never even knew her, are completely there for me. It's hard to not be selfish and feel sorry for myself, but every single person has their own tragedy in life..I believe everything happens for a reason and God takes the best people, but dangggggg!!

She posted a note to all of her best friends on Oct. 26, 2006, a couple months prior... I absolutely LOVE reading this!!

To my Best Friends,
I know that things are changing and i know that more challenges are coming our way. But know this. You are and Always will be my world and my everything. There are times when we feel sad, down, and hurt but there is no time that i can't be brought up by you. We have lead eachother through the hardest of times and those hard times have made us stronger in the end. There is nothing in this world that could come between us. Our friendship as been at the edge of the cliff at times but we never let eachother fall. Life is always hard and difficult, no one ever said it was easy. But with you i feel as if i could do anything. You have given me confidence not only in myself but in the rest of the world as well. You have given me the chance to experience a kind of friendship i thought never existed. Change isnt always a good thing and the changes that are to come will be the most hurtful of them all. But remeber this..that no matter how far away, no matter the distance, together or apart No One will ever take your place. You have changed my life in a way no body has ever done before. You are my sister, My whore, My Bridget, My rosey, My best friend, but most importantly..My Whole World. With out you I'm not me, With out you i am incomplete. I love you more than you will ever know.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!♥♥♥♥♥

Almost every single one of us girls in my class were best friends! We did have that friendship many people search their whole lives to find. "Change isn't always a good thing and the changes that are to come will be the most hurtful of them all." That change WAS the most hurtful of them all... but like she said, no matter the distance No One will ever take your place. ..No one has and no one ever will take her place. Many things have changed since then, but I will always love those girls like crazy. Today is hard for all of us, but just keep in mind, those of us who knew her, were privileged enough. :) We had amazing memories that will never ever be forgotten.

If today is tough, talk to someone, because believe me...we are all hurting. Also, remember to think of all the amazing times. There was never a dull moment with her... think about her amazing voice and her beautiful smile. She has the face of an angel.

Ashton Taylor Burr <3 Our angel

I hope everyone has an amazing day and if anyone needs to talk, you know how to get ahold of me :)