{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

God is NOT Dead!

   As some of you may already know, a new movie has recently come out... GOD'S NOT DEAD! I have been waiting for it to come to a town near me, and finally it did! :) Part of me was worried that the movie wouldn't be what I expected, but oh my... it was sooo much more!!

   These past five or some odd months I have been fighting my own battle. The hardest battle I have encountered yet. My character was being insulted and my faith put to the test. But I realized God 'crippled' me so I would run to Him. I have never felt a presence as strong as the one God has in my life. In the movie when a classmate asks Josh Wheaton why he wants to prove Gods existence, Josh replies, "I think of Jesus as my friend and I don't want to disappoint Him. You see to me, He's not dead, He's alive." That's what He is... a friend! He loves us... He loves us so much He gave His life for mine, He gave His life for yours. :) And He surely is ALIVE!! :)

   Atheists say we can't prove Gods existence, but no one has nor will anyone DISPROVE His existence. It isn't possible. Part of me wants to use all of the facts I learned from the movie and defend Him right here, right now, BUT I want everyone to witness this amazing movie for themselves before I give anything away.
   One friend mentioned how happy I seemed after watching the movie. How can I not be when I think about God? He is an amazing and an awesome God and frequently I'm selfish. Selfish in a way that I wonder why things are going wrong in MY life, when I should be more trusting in Him. I'm being a hypocrite, like many Christians. I am so undeserving, yet He thinks I am to die for. He saved my life more than once.... Not only did He die on that cross for me, but He saved my soul all over again a few months ago, like I said, I feel His presence more than ever. :) Despite my lack of patience and all, He has never given up on me and it's such a wonderful feeling knowing my faith can never be destroyed!!

 (Newsboys, God's Not Dead music video)

  Some may be doubtful, but this movie really moved me and I could watch it over and over. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I. Have a great one and God Bless!


Friday, January 17, 2014

Curse....or blessing??

My weakness is that I care too much. Simple as that. I constantly ask myself time after time how can I be so stupid to continuously fall for the wrong person. Why am I allowing myself to get hurt like this? I ask God over and over and over, "WHY??" ..."Why do I have to care soooo much?" It just feels like a horrible curse that I want to get rid of. If I didn't care so much, I wouldn't hurt, right? If I was like a lot of other people and just worried about myself I wouldn't get my heart broken all the time, but I'm not like other people.

Then... other days are different. People come to me because they know they can count on me.. they know that I truly care. Those days... it feels like a blessing. I absolutely love helping people. I don't want anyone to hurt like I have and I'd do anything to prevent pain for someone else. Truth of the matter is, I love so easily... I love everyone, even if everyone gets on my nerves or I don't agree with their lifestyle, I still can't help but love people. "Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes, those little things occupy the biggest part of their heart."

So I sit here wondering... is this a curse? or a blessing? At times it can be both, but I honestly don't want to look at it negatively no matter how much I get hurt. God only knows how many times I ask Him why. He only knows how much I don't want this curse... But He is also the only one that knows how much of a blessing this really is. He is the only one that knows the true intentions of my heart. He is the only one who knows how much I care for everyone. People have told me that I fall too easily... It's true... I do. I fall too fast, crash too hard, forgive too easy, and care too much, and people say I should change that.  .. it is definitely not my intentions to get hurt and let's be honest... God loves me. He has my story written and he has someone that will accept me just.the.way.I.am. 

So even though part of me wants to change that, I can't. For now on...my goal is to embrace my life and learn to accept myself. My goal is to not try and change everything to my standards. I realize I just need to learn to relax a little more and BE PATIENT and someday... all of this pain will finally make sense.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

...it's up to YOU

Why, oh why, are people so determined to find evil in the world? Why?! Why is everyone so surprised when someone does something nice? Is it that rare? I don't think so, but then again...maybe that is the difference between you and me. I strive to find good in this world! Yes!! Times are hard. People are rude. Evil can be lurking around any corner. You can find this world to be one of two things: good or bad. That, my friend, is up to you!

Perhaps, YOU should be the difference in the world. You want humanity to be restored? well...then maybe you should go out and do something nice for someone. Do not just expect it to happen. Think about how many good things you decide to go out and do, and then think about how many people you are just "too busy" to help. I'm not saying I am perfect by any means... I could help a lot more people than I do, but then again... I'm not complaining about how cruel the world is.

People always say someone should make a difference in this cruel world. Well... aren't you someone? Do it yourself and never ever expect someone else to do it! Step up! Be a man (or woman)! and please, oh please, quit seeing only the bad things. Life really is a beautiful thing...

I am so blessed for this life I am able to live. I have two feet to walk and dance, two eyes to see beauty, a mouth to speak and sing, two ears to hear wonderful sounds,  a nose to smell the yummy and...oh so icky things, hands to hold and touch, a body to feel happiness and pain, because that means I am alive, and a heart to love.. and boy do I love the people in my life. They show me kindness all the time, just by being them. Wouldn't this world even be a tad bit better if we were thankful more? Maybe if we stopped crying about all the evil and started smiling because of all of glory..maybe then this world would find more peace.

Yes, it's a beautiful thing to see someone do something nice, but you wouldn't be so surprised if you just opened your eyes and looked for the good.... :) God bless you all! <3


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray...

The going has gotten tough for many I have known lately... and it absolutely POSITIVELY breaks my heart. The thing is... I dont know what to say to them. I want them to feel better, but nothing I say, nothing ANYONE says can make it better. I'm very pleased and blessed that my life is decent at the moment, but then again... it isn't, because my friends are hurting....

What do you say to ease the pain? What do you do when nothing you say will help? Life can just flat out suck sometimes.... but that's life isn't it? This world we live in is NOT perfect, far from it actually, so what do we expect? There are so many devastating things going on lately and I've been pondering it for days... and days... I still know I don't have the right words for any of them. I have come close to asking God why... but who am I to ask Him such a thing? Who am I to be the judge of how things are to play out? I'm not... and neither are you. God has a reason for everything... He has a plan for all of us.

"Life has many ways of testing a persons will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once." -Paulo Coelho

I know some very strong people going through some of the toughest things you can ever imagine. Just know, you are never alone. Every single one of us is going through some kind of battle... everyone needs somebody. Let it out, cry, do what you need to do, but know, please know you are never alone. If anything talk to God... He happens to be the BEST listener out there!

Every night, I pray for every single one of you... and I mean every single one. God already knows what I'm thinking, but I make sure to say it so He really, really knows. I love you all and I wish I could do something to ease the pain. I know my words don't change anything, but I want you all to know that I deeply and truly care.

"It's in the tough times that we discover the depths of our strength."
This, my friends, is a test. And I know you are all strong enough to overcome it!

Friday, December 7, 2012

I love you all

I'm so out of practice with this writing thing...makes me sad. I don't really have a lot of time and not able to access internet at times either, but I wanted to make a point to write a little more. ...Today is a historic day for everyone... the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. It effects all of us, even if not directly. But much more than that... today six years ago, myself and a numerous amount of other people lost an amazing girl. That day is burned into my memory... I remember every moment perfectly.... every.single.moment.in.slow.motion.

It's tough being away from home during a moment like this, but it's nice to know that my new friends, who never even knew her, are completely there for me. It's hard to not be selfish and feel sorry for myself, but every single person has their own tragedy in life..I believe everything happens for a reason and God takes the best people, but dangggggg!!

She posted a note to all of her best friends on Oct. 26, 2006, a couple months prior... I absolutely LOVE reading this!!

To my Best Friends,
I know that things are changing and i know that more challenges are coming our way. But know this. You are and Always will be my world and my everything. There are times when we feel sad, down, and hurt but there is no time that i can't be brought up by you. We have lead eachother through the hardest of times and those hard times have made us stronger in the end. There is nothing in this world that could come between us. Our friendship as been at the edge of the cliff at times but we never let eachother fall. Life is always hard and difficult, no one ever said it was easy. But with you i feel as if i could do anything. You have given me confidence not only in myself but in the rest of the world as well. You have given me the chance to experience a kind of friendship i thought never existed. Change isnt always a good thing and the changes that are to come will be the most hurtful of them all. But remeber this..that no matter how far away, no matter the distance, together or apart No One will ever take your place. You have changed my life in a way no body has ever done before. You are my sister, My whore, My Bridget, My rosey, My best friend, but most importantly..My Whole World. With out you I'm not me, With out you i am incomplete. I love you more than you will ever know.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!!♥♥♥♥♥

Almost every single one of us girls in my class were best friends! We did have that friendship many people search their whole lives to find. "Change isn't always a good thing and the changes that are to come will be the most hurtful of them all." That change WAS the most hurtful of them all... but like she said, no matter the distance No One will ever take your place. ..No one has and no one ever will take her place. Many things have changed since then, but I will always love those girls like crazy. Today is hard for all of us, but just keep in mind, those of us who knew her, were privileged enough. :) We had amazing memories that will never ever be forgotten.

If today is tough, talk to someone, because believe me...we are all hurting. Also, remember to think of all the amazing times. There was never a dull moment with her... think about her amazing voice and her beautiful smile. She has the face of an angel.

Ashton Taylor Burr <3 Our angel

I hope everyone has an amazing day and if anyone needs to talk, you know how to get ahold of me :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

No matter how temorary... goodbyes are just awful.

Sooo.. tomorrow is the big day that I have been waiting for, for so long. I leave for Mississippi.. People keep asking, "Are you excited?" My response, "...nervous...just nervous." I mean.. I am excited and it is exactly what I wanted, but even though it is what I wanted, I am SCARED! ..

I don't want to admit that, being scared..but I am. Scared that maybe I forgot everything... or what if nobody likes me and I don't make any friends... What if it doesn't go as I want this time too??? ... I think those are perfectly logical concerns. But... then again... I have been through much harder times.

Even though I'm not leaving forever, I still hate saying goodbye. It is LONG enough... I am going to miss everyone soooo much but this is something I need to do for me. And goodbye doesn't mean forever..just for now! :)))

Anddddd I am excited, FINALLY!!!! I felt like this day would never get here, but now it is! :D All of the crap I have had to go through, all of the stress this has caused me... hopefully it all pays off. It is now up to me and God! :) I am so grateful for all of the support from my friends and family, it means the world to me and I hope to make you all proud!

"All glory comes from daring to begin."-william shakespeare
This quote makes me feel a little better... :) We will never get anywher in life if we don't first decide to start somewhere. To get where you want, you have to make sacrifices... my sacrifice will only last a few months at a time. I can do it... I have dared to begin! :)
I plan to write as often as I can, but I'm not promising anything. I will probably be busy, but I will be sure to tell you all about Mississippi! Sooo even though I hate to say it.. Goodbye, for now! :) and God bless! <3

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The years of struggle...

Have you ever felt soooo scared or soooo sad that you just wanted to find a rock and hide under it?? Maybe if you just hid, everything would miraculously be that much easier.. Does anything ever turn out better when we hide? ... Lately I have been stressing a lot... I mean, I'm leaving in about three weeks. I've done this before so why am I so worried??

My whole life I've had to adapt and overcome. I don't recall a whole lot being easier.... In school I had to study harder.. in sports I had to practice harder... At Basic Training my whole flight had to adjust in a way other flights didn't. We didn't have heat for the first week, our pipes broke and we had to move to a completely different squadron the next..and that was just the start. Those are little struggles I have had to deal with, but still...struggles. I always asked, "Why can't ONE thing go right?" ..."Why can't ONE thing be easy?" ...but is it supposed to be? You'd think by now I'd be used to it anyway...

People ask me, "Well isn't this what you wanted?" Welllllll..... Yeah!!! But even though things may be headed in the right direction it can still be a bit of a struggle. ..It's hard leaving what you know...leaving that comfort zone. Honestly, I'm scared TO DEATH!! I don't want a pitty party or anything, but these will be the toughest days of my life yet!!
 "You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward." -unknown
Why am I so worried about having it all figured out? I have the amazing support of my family and friends. Some people are unfortunate enough to not have that... isn't that all I need? The belief from them..the belief from God... the belief from myself??

It's fun trying new things..going to new places! :) I've never been to Mississippi before and I most definitely am looking forward to that and my new journey... no matter what the struggle.
"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful." -Sigmund Freud

Even now I look back on my past and realize that the things I went through... the "awful" things I encountered, they truly are the most beautiful. Those times, more so than the good, made me who I am. My struggles taught me everything! ...I may be scared, and times may be tough, but I have so much to live for and I'm going to miss everyone, but.. at least I have people in my life to miss. :) <3

If any of you are going through any type of struggle..don't give up. Don't always take the easy route just to make it. What is anything worth if you aren't putting everything out on the line? Take some risks and go after what you want. And sometimes when you go after your dreams, you may have to walk alone for a while..go your on way to figure out who you are, but it is then that you also find out who your true friends are... the people who stay by your side the whole time and don't allow you to travel alone.

There are others things we have to find before we find eachother... one thing being ourselves.
Sometimes... all that struggle is well worth it in the end.
