{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

In remembrance of those fine men and women!!

I hope everyone had a magnificent Memorial Day weekend!! :) :) ...even if you had to work... keep in mind, many of my fellow military brothers and sisters have had to work ALL weekend and many other holidays, as well. I am so proud to say I have many, MANY friends in the military now. They are the strongest people I know and I am so grateful I am lucky enough to be in their lives!! :)

Today isn't only in memory of those who have made the ULTIMATE sacrifice, but also in honor of those men and women who have signed their names and made the oath. They too may have to make the ultimate sacrifice and are willing to do that for you and me! :) I pray to the Lord everyday that He keeps my brothers and sisters safe, but I also keep in mind that they know what they signed up for and they are willing to do whatever to keep this country safe! I am so proud to be an American, and I hope you are too!!! God bless the courageous!!!

...this day is also a big reminder of the loved ones we have lost over the years (non military related). I don't need a day set aside to remember them, they are on my mind constantly. My cousin/best friend Ashton Burr and my amazing grandma Bogatz are the two that have affected me the most. And two of my grandpas that I never got the privelege of knowing are also missing from my life. ..Even though I would much rather have those amazing people in my life today, and I feel safe knowing the kind of angels I have watching over me!
....here is something I wrote a while back to all of my friends...
I miss you... one of the best friends I have ever had. I think about you all the time...When will I get to see you? One does not know, but I look forward to that day. You made my childhood worth living and you inspired so many people with your talents. You are beautiful and loving and you treated everyone with kindness. Everyone shared a different bond with you, but we all have one thing in common; we love you so much. You are happier now, and that makes me happy, but the selfish part of myself wishes you were here with all of us. How different things would be with you around. I miss you greatly. And I love you so much, Ashton Burr.

Never take anything or anyone for granted. Everyone needs to live by that, but in reality, none of us do. I have the most amazing friends and family in my life, but at times I do take them for granted. I don't appreciate them like I should. I would never make it through half of the things I go through in life if it wasn't for them. They give me courage and hope. They tell me I can, when I don't think it's possible. They never give up on me and they put up with me at my worst times.

Just say "I love you" a little more. Don't be so stubborn, and be the bigger person once in a while. Apologize when you are wrong, and sometimes even if you aren't. Life is too short to always be right, I mean what's the point in being right anyway, when you have no one because you have too much pride. Be wrong sometimes. Always try your hardest, but don't be afraid to lose. Learn from every experience, especially the bad ones. Cherish the great times. Never give up. Don't be afraid to love. And TRUST IN THE LORD. You never know exactly when your last goodbye will be, so make sure they know just how much they mean to you...always. ...I love you all.

We are all missing someone. ..but instead of sorrow, we should reminisce on all of the amazing times we had with them. And remind the people we do have in our lives how much they mean to us and how much we love them!! :D

Have an amazing night everyone!!



  1. This is ABSOLUTELY beautiful Miss Danielle...thank you for all of those wonderful memories that I just thought about while reading this...sooooo many good memories of the people that are now gone...that have affected me in ways that I have no words for...BEAUTIFUL people!!! Thanks again girlie..I LOVE IT!!!!! Love ya!!!! :)

    1. Thanks Molls!! I didn't want a depressing post, but talking about Memorial Day isn't gonna be all HAPPY! :) We can make it happy, glad we are free because of those who have risked their lives and of course the good memories we had with those amazing people in our lives!! :D LOVE YOU!!
