{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My FIRST BLOGGGGG!!!!! :) :)

Helloooo everyone!! :) I have been talking about starting a blog for quite some time and now that I finally started one I am sooooo excited to share my thoughts with you. Going through life with a constant postive attitude is damn near impossible, but it is something I try to do every day. People have told me, "Danielle, when you smile you make the world a happier place." ...and it is things like that, that inspire me to stay the happy girl I am.

First, I would like to start off by telling you a little bit about myself.... as you have probably already realized, my name is Danielle.  I am the not-so-typical 21 year old girl. (Drinking isn't a huge interest of mine.) ...as of now I still live with my parents and brother while I am waiting...very patiently.. to get my orders, as I have very recently gotten back in the Air Force. It is a very stressful wait... and you may see a little bit about the Air Force while I still wait...... VERY PATIENTLY. :) *on a sidenote...my brother is 18, a just graduated this last May. I am so very proud of him and all of his accomplishments and even though he is growing up, I hope that when he does need someone, that he will need me.. *

I have always dreamed of being in the military, not for the power of war, not for the schooling or the money... I really love this country and would risk my life for any loved one AND stranger. A favorite quote of mine..."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, that is when the world will know peace.".. I believe we WILL someday know peace, maybe not in this world, but in another... Getting in the military was always a tough task for me... God has always liked to make me work for what I want and of course I always wanted the easy way out, but it is true He doesn't give you anything you can't handle. If you want something bad enough, you CAN get it. I love life and all the people I have come to know... even the people who have hurt me more than I could ever imagine have taught me the greatest lessons, and I love them for that. :)

Also.... I absolutely LOVE quotes!!!! I look them up all the time... and live by them. Some are great examples of life. The one I would like to share with you at the moment is, "I'd rather be hated for who I am then loved for what I'm not." ...It is true that above anyone else, we need to be satisfied with who we, ourselves, are. If you are constantly trying to please everyone else, you will only end up with the same emptiness as when you started. ...I love making people happy, but I try and remind myself to never ever forget about myself as one of those people. If you never stand up for what you believe in then who are you really??? Do you want to be like everyone else?... I sure don't.  For example, I know a lot of people probably think I am stupid for starting a blog...who starts a blog?? ...but it isn't for them... it is for me :) I have so many ideas that are just waiting to get out... so why not share my happiness with everyone else? ... I hope everyone has an amazing night. andddd God bless.



  1. YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVVVVVE this Miss Danielle....and I'm pretty sure that I'm seeing an AMAZING little writer in you!! For anyone that reads this blog..this girlie has it ALLLLLL and every single little word is coming from a pure and honest heart...I get to be one of the lucky ones that gets to visit with her on a daily basis...she truly is an AMAZING person and such a HUGE inspiration to me in so much of my life..love you, girlie!! :))))

    1. :D Thanks MOLLS!! When I am writing, I try and ask myself, what would the AMAZING Molly write. You are such an inspiration to me...you have NO idea. And thank you for the kind words, you are so sweet. :) and i am very blessed I get the honor of being around you all week. ..we may not like the circumstances (work) but we sure know how to make it enjoyable!! LOVE YOUUUU!!!

  2. Woohoo!! Am patiently awaiting your next post :) Amazing!!! -Kirsten Sickler
