{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's never too late...

:) So another day has come and gone.... and I am FINALLY writing another post. ...Today at work a lot of us were talking about the Olympics. How totally awesome it would be if WE were one of those people. Could you imagine??? Being that great at something?! One of the women I work with said, "that's it..I'm gonna start training right now. I'm giving myself four years to train."She was kidding, of course but...Honestly... why not? She could do it. Couldn't any of us? If we REALLY wanted to?

All of those amazingly, talented people we see on television everyday did NOT get where they are by complete chance...they busted their butt because of something they really wanted to achieve. I mean look at Michael Jordan... I watched Space Jam..I know how the story goes!! haha but for real... he worked hard to get where he did and now he has a status that very few players can even come close to! ...or just last night I watched Missy Franklin, from Colorado... I saw her story and I saw how much swimming meant to her. I saw her win a gold medal!! How totally awesome is that?! But what was even more awesome...she could have taken contracts to get paid for something she is great at, but instead she chose to stay a kid a while longer and not leave her highschool team and family and friends behind. That kind of a decision for a seventeen year old would be hard... and in my opinion I think she made the right decision. She said she wouldn't be happy without them with her so she wouldn't perform as well. ..Of course, those are only two people, but I can't name them all!! haha

"For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Has there ever been something you wanted to do? Somewhere you wanted to go? ..but you think, "well shoot, I missed my chance." .."I'm too old now." .."I'm too young." .. "It's too late." ...whatever your answer is. YOU'RE WRONG! ...It is never too late..or too early. The only reason you can't do something is because YOU convinced yourself that you can't. It isn't someone else telling you that you can't either... it is just you. In my opinion, I love when people doubt me. It makes accomplishing my goal so much better, because I just proved them wrong!!! :) andddd..people doubt me...ALOT! :) That is success right there!

 If you want to get somewhere, do it for you. If you think you wanted something and you want to stop...then stop. Your decisions are YOUR decisions! :) And it's easier said than done, but so many of us let others define who we are, but sometimes...we need to take more control.  Don't ever let someone say your dream is stupid either... those who put down your dreams never went after theirs! AND never laugh or make fun of someone else's dreams... at least they are living for something!

God gave each of us talents..MANY different ones. We were given these talents, not to waste them, but to use them to our full ability! Show people what you are made of..and remember, it is NEVER too late! :)

Don't be afraid to explore the amazing opportunities our God has given us!



  1. Sooooo inspiring!!! ...as usual!! I love this post...I think that I might just file it away and read it every single day..we all have a purpose and we all have control over our decisions, we just need to realize it...ahhhh..set those goals and stop at NOTHING to achieve them..makes them all the more sweet...YAYYYY!!! Thanks for the post..I absolutely LOVED it!! :) Love you!

    1. I need to take my own advice as well.. sometimes I let too many people have control over my actions. ... if I'm unhappy.. I need to change it! I shouldn't expect things to change on their own. :) You are achieving your goals..and i'm doing my best to achieve mine.YAY!!
