{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It helps me learn...

Soo..the hardest thing for me to do right now, is to write without making people mad... I'm starting to realize how much of the world doesn't agree with me and I'm starting to not care. My mom always tells me, "who cares what other people think." .."If they were your friends, they wouldn't care." Ahhhhh!!! I LOVE MY MOM! ...she and I, well we don't always see eye to eye, perhaps for the soul reason... I AM my mother's daughter. We are too much alike, mostly stubborn! :) ...but even so, she is my biggest fan! :)) She is there for me when no one else is.

Yesterday for example... I just got a new pink/camo hat!! Yay! I love it! ...camo and pink :) Well anyway.. I wore it yesterday and I was told it doesn't look good on me.... :(((( WHAT?? I was like gee thanks... but it bothered me all day! So, of course, I told my mom... she said... "you look amazing in hats, you know that" ... and then.."wear it again tomorrow since they don't like it!" :D great idea mom! ...if someone doesn't like something you wear or do, wear it or do it anyway if that is what you want! Why did I let that ONE person ruin my day? It's funny how much I grew over the years though...I used to care, but now.. the story is changing.

But why I originally decided to write this is because many times..I speak of God. I by NO means, mean to offend anyone! ...I talk about God because it makes me feel better. It helps me understand His word more. It helps me learn...A lot of people feel that if someone talks about God that you are forcing the information on them. YES, when I speak of God, I want the people listening to believe.. I really do, but I don't think you are a bad person if you don't.  I don't think I am any better just because I do believe. I have had people say..."well Christians think their beliefs are the only right ones."..WELL...let's think this one through... If you believe in something doesn't that mean you think you are right?? Why would you believe in something you aren't sure of? Haha that actually makes me laugh...people get soooo aggravated when God is mentioned... when they hear His name the conversation is over. Why in the world am I such a bad person for spreading His word, when other people aren't "bad" for telling me to shut up?? ...does it not go both ways...or will I constantly be in this world where I will never win?

...Then I start to realize why I am the one being ridiculed for my beliefs.. this world is full of sin. OF COURSE, the belief of God is gradually getting lower and lower.. hanging by a small thread that Satan created... I see hate every single day... just how people act towards one another at work even... It is disgusting.  I see people mocked every day because they say something about God..... Oh the wonderful joys of growing up... and moving out there into the world. ..In my little small town, USA I never saw what I do now. I was sheltered for sure, but I love that sheltered life.. It gets overwhelming because everyone knows your business, but at least, for the most part, you are respected here.

I guess what I am trying to say... everyone has their own opinions and beliefs..THAT'S GREAT!! ..but don't hate people because of theirs. Don't be close minded. "Never, ever apologize for anything that makes you happy" << My beliefs make me happy!! They are what get me through the day! ...I hear stuff that makes me think all the time... maybe someone has a better point than I do... These posts may not help anyone but myself..but then again, who am I living for? ...myself and God. Judge me if you must, but I know who the real judge is! :) Plus... "those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter!" ;) ...Goodnight!


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