{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Bread Of Life!

So while my internet was out I thought of many, many things I wanted to write about...but I had to remind myself_ one.at.a.time. :) I had my post all planned out in my head before I went to church this morning, but then... I listened to a great lesson.

I love Sundays! I love learning about God! I love having that ONE thing in common with those many people from my community! ...Many people are going to judge me for my beliefs; christians..non christians..but I no longer care. At least I HAVE something I believe in! :)

Pastor Reehl from Grand Island came and gave us todays sermon. What an amazing speaker he is... his stories and lessons are amazing. Today the sermon came from John 6:35..."Wonder Bread." Many can guess what the lesson was about...and many of us have heard it many times, but it is necessary to be reminded.

35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."(John 6:35)

Jesus is our bread of life. Really...It is as simple as that. In the sermon Pastor Reehl talked about how he loved Wonder Bread when he was little and not long ago he asked a nutrition how healthy it actually was, and came to find out that it is HORRIBLE for us. The wash away all of the nutrition and bleach it...  Just like the Wonder bread, their are many things in this world that aren't good for us, but definitely more tempting. Jesus is the healthy, nutritional "bread" in a sense.

He told a story about a couple boys he knew... one of the boys' family made their own bread, milk, cheese, and sausage meat_ the other boy had Wonder bread from the city and peanut butter and jelly.. They traded their bucket of lunch almost every day because they wanted what the other had. Isn't it true that we usually want what someone else has? That we are rarely satisfied with what we are dealt? We shouldn't want someone else's "bucket." We were given this life for a reason.. and we should learn to be satisfied with it_ easier said than done!

He told another story about how a lady told him that she was ready to go with God because she led a good life...BUT.. we need to remember that it isn't about leading a good life. It doesn't matter if you fed all the homeless in the world, if you didn't live for God then you didn't fulfill the goal. It is said that Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven. Doing good in the world is amazing, it really is, and I'm not trying to tell anyone they aren't going to Heaven...but he is the only way. Jesus answered, " I am the way, and the truth, and the life; nobody comes to the Father but through me." ...I have made many mistakes and will be the first to admit that I do not lead that great of a life all of the time... I really do try, but one thing I do know is who died on the cross for me...Jesus. I know where I am going because I believe in Him with all of my heart! :)

God has a plan for ever single one of us... He is writting our story. ..Sometimes I'm not so happy with the story given to me... but then I remind myself. He has a plan for me...for you. We need to put our trust in Him. AND be happy with our story! :) Just like you need food for life... You do need Jesus for your spiritual life! <3

Have a great day!! GOD bless!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh girlie pearlie, Danielle...thanks for this post...I needed it..loved it!! Love ya!! :)
