{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just take that first step...

Well hello, everyone! :) So... It's a beautiful Sunday morning, my Huskers won yesterday, and it has been a nice relaxing weekend; can't complain! Once again, I was looking at quotes, imagine that and I found a lot of good ones like usual, but the one I want to share is by Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Everyone gets scared in life, because none of us really know where we are going. None of us know our actual purpose do we? Every single one of us are in the same situation, but we all act as if we are the only ones going through this. No one can see the whole picture, no one except for God, that is. We can't see the "whole staircase," but yet some of us still accomplish so much. How will we get anywhere in life if we never go outside of our comfort zone?
Oh_and NEVER compare your life to someone else's. Come on...none of us have the same journey in life and yes, some people may have an easier one, but that also means God knew you were strong enough to handle yours. He doesn't give any of us anything we cannot handle.
It's just ONE step at a time. Have a little faith and take some chances in life. How can you have any regrets if you are going after everything you dreamed of? The only regret you will have is not going after what you wanted.
Decide now what life you want and where you want to go. Decide now if you want the life you dream of.
:) Have a great day!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Okay...sooo I've been kinda slacking pretty bad lately. I've had plenty I wanted to talk about, I just haven't had the motivation. So much has happened this past month, it's been crazy_ crazy, crazy, crazy!!!! One of my favorite things to do, like most girls, is to browse Pinterest! :) ...not just that... QUOTES...I love finding new ones!

"Stars can't shine without darkness." I love it! ...It's just like "...learning to dance in the rain..." Without bad days how could you ever have any good days? If everyday were good, would it actually be that great? If everything went the way we wanted it to, would we actually try and accomplish all we are capable of? Probably not!

 I know personally that I would not be where I am if things went great for me right out of highschool...  If I hadn't torn my ACL in highschool...well I could have done without that, but I would have then joined the Army, instead of the Air Force and missed out on the many opportunities I accomplished later and the absolutely amazing people I met along the way!_If everything worked out how I expected, I would still be with my first boyfriend or the next one and so on... no offense...but no thanks.Some of those ended pretty badly and caused some heartache, but I would have never learned what I truly deserve. There are soooo many things I would have preferred not going through, but without all of that darkness... I wouldn't have seen any light. I wouldn't have accomplished so much. I wouldn't have appreciated my accomplishments so much!

It's hard looking around sometimes and seeing other people live, what looks like, an easy life. I do believe other people 'have it all'...get through life so much easier, but I also know that everyone has their own obstacles as well. We shouldn't compare our lives to someone else's anyway.... God created us all in His own image. He created us all with a specific purpose. God knows all of our stories, He is writing every single one of them, so why in the world do I want someone else's story?? I shouldn't... but sometimes... I do. I should trust in the Lord and be satisfied with His work...and I try. We should all try a little harder to be more satisfied with what we have. It's great to have goals and dreams, but don't forget of the things you do have while you are going after the things you want! :)

Stars are one of the most beautiful things!! I love living in the country... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! :D I don't have to squint really hard to see those stars... unless it's super cloudy, I get to see them every night or morning! Hehe _But could you imagine... a night sky without any stars?? How boring would that be? Just...BLACK! ...but like it says.. you can't see those stars without the darkness! ..I don't see anyone laying out during the day to look at them!

Just stay postive and have a little faith... You will get where you are going. PATIENCE is key! :) Have a great day/night!! :) God bless!!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

but as for me... I will always have hope!

So...last week or so I wrote about finally getting back to school. Well!!! Change of plans!! It seems all I am doing is going back and forth and it's quite tiring, but finally I found out when I am going back to training.. I should be happy. I am happy. BUT... I'm a little sad too, scared even. I was so ready for this so how can I be scared? I was getting so used to the fact of nothing happening, that I think I convinced myself it never would. ..I'm scared not because I can't do it, but because I am worried I forgot everything I need to know. ...I'm scared because this will be the first time I'm not home for Thanksgiving..or Christmas. _I can't complain about that!! Most of my AF friends had to miss many holidays with their familes already...and probably many more. That right there though may be the hardest thing I will ever have to do. It's too bad I can't take all of the people I love with me!! ..That would be one large suitcase!! :) One I am willing to invent!! Hehe!

I am so happy though... FINALLY.. I will be moving forward with my life, not just sitting around  working my life away. The AF changed my life and I don't want to be done with it. I've met the most amazing people and I can't wait to meet many more. I'm so happy I will get to put that uniform back on! :) SOOO HAPPY!! This is what I wanted... but naturally my emotions are all mixed up, there is good and bad in most situations.

I just have to keep in mind that I won't be stationed there forever. It's just a few months.. and I have done it before! My friends and family will always be here... and they will do just fine without me. ..and I need to remember that as long as I have God, I will not fail. Because of Him I was given a second chance, this is how He planned my life. I mentioned in another post that maybe I am where I am because it's where I need to be... maybe the time for that is about up and then it is time for me to be somewhere else. Like... MISSISSIPPI! :) I've never been to there before!! What a great experience it will be!! :D AND... I have a few friends there! YAY!!

Sometimes you are delayed where you are because there is a storm where you were headed. Everywhere God takes me is for a reason... that gives me hope! That gives me the strength and courage to do what I need to do. God gives me the strength and the courage! :) Besides... people are just people... why am I so worried about everything...they shouldn't make me nervous, because really, I'm only scared of making mistakes and not doing everything perfect,  but...I already know I'm not perfect. And worrying will never change the outcome, so what's the point?

I know what I want to do in life. I want to protect people...I want to protect my country. "You can't fall if you don't climb, but there's no joy in living your whole life on the ground." I could be like a lot of people I know and spend my whole life on the ground... but hey...I LOVE heights!! Why in the world would I want to stay down on the ground?? I did something most of the people back here haven't..it was emotionally and physically tough, but I made it just fine. I could have decided to be something around home..that wasn't so hard, but if you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much, and winning isn't very exciting. ...I want to win, but I don't want anything handed to me ALL the time. If you don't work for your accomplishments, then how can you claim the accomplishment as your own? I've worked my butt off to get where I am. Even though it may have sucked at times, I still accomplished it because I didn't give up.

I am so excited for this chance and I look forward to my new journey!! One other thing I will be sure to keep in mind .... My God is bigger than any problems I face!He is much, much bigger!! :) God bless! I pray every one of you continue with your dreams as well! :)
