{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

There is a God!!

(such an inspirational song to me)

Everyone has something they believe in...whether it's a superstar, themselves, family, or a higher power... personally, I believe in GOD! :) I realize this is a touchy subject, and there are soooo many different views on the issue. HUGE views... and it may not be the first time you hear about Him from me. ...I'm not telling you what to believe, just telling what I believe :D

A lot of people say, "if there was a god, why does he let so many bad things happen?" ...God isn't the only one working his powers, the devil has a huge factor on this earth, hence the reason we are not perfect and life isn't perfect. ....AND... I have a question for those people... Why do you only look at the bad things?? Why only look at the negative? ...I  understand there is hate and war and death and hurt...but there is also LOVE  and beauty and life and happiness. Why look at the ugly things when if you really opened yours eyes and took a look at life, you would see the real reason we are here.

There are numerous reasons I have such a strong faith in the Lord. I've seen SOOO many miracles.. one in particular that everyone sees.... LIFE. How can you look at a baby and not see beauty?? The look on the brand new parents' faces. The fact that you may have never truely known what love was until you saw that bundle of joy for the first time. How it can take years to fall in love with a significant other, but seconds to feel completely happy with that baby! :D
...or nature... mountains, trees, clouds, flowers, the sun... how do you explain that happens by accident? I LOVE being outside, I love the country, because it is then that you get to see Gods creation, not man made.
...or talent. There is soooo much talent all around the world!! Singing, dancing, writing, speaking different languages, creating artwork...

My senior year of highschool, I was finally getting the playing time I deserved. I had to work my butt off to be ten times better than the girl next to me, but only be just as good according to the coach. I didn't have the name...you know...politics. and then... I tore my ACL... probably the worst thing that could have happened to me, or that was my thinking at least. My faith became weak... I was so mad beacuse basketball was over for me..dancing was over...and I wasn't able to join the military like I wanted...and worst of all, my grandma passed away the week before! ...Satan had me in reach.. He knew he was winning... but then I rememebered what my grandma would have told me...she had amazing faith herself...and she wouldn't have wanted me to give up. I decided that basketball wasn't over... I made sure that I was able to finish the season.. gimp or not... then I healed enough for my dance recital after my surgery and danced my last year with my best friend!! and then... a year later, after excruciating physical therapy and hard work and determination..I realized how strong my knee was... I then joined the USAF!! I finished everything I started... just at a different time! ... to me... that is my miracle. The way it happened... I don't think it was supposed to be possible for me... but I had faith.. I once heard God gives you anything you want... IF your heart truely desires it. ..My heart desired it oh so much!!

I believe all of that is proof...but really what I need..what we need... is much greater...it's believing without seeing...it's faith!! :)


  1. Ummmm...Danielle....I'M IN LOVVVVE WITH THIS POST!!!!! I especially loved the part that said.."Good will give you anything as long as you want it with you're whole heart....awwwww...that's why sometimes we feel He isn't listening...He just knows that we're not ready for it just yet....you just made my night!!! AWESOMMMMMNE!! ...now, I have to post quick..trying to beat Nikki....hahahaha!! :)

    1. Ok...I was trying to write too fast so that I could be the very first comment...I spelled Good instead of God...thought I would just post the correction as well...heehee!! Love you!! :)

    2. You actually liked it?? This was hard, so true, but a little difficult... but yes, He knows our story..we should let Him take control more often :)

    3. haha i knew what you were saying :P ... i didn't know this was a competition hehe

  2. Those darn negative nellies... They are the ones that need Him the most :)
    Love your post tonight!!

    1. hahaha negative nellies!! :) isnt that mollys way of saying it?? ...and yes they do need Him. I did :) and still do!

  3. My cousin-in-law Ryan Bartlett gave me this link, and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a great blog. I hope you wont mind me sharing it on Facebook.

    1. Thank you so much :) and I don't mind at all :D
