{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't EVER leave the ones you care about behind!

HELLO!! ...  I have been super slacking lately... motivation, motivation, motivation..  Anyway..  a couple weekends ago, one of the girls in my class got married.. BEAUTIFUL wedding and beautiful bride by the way!! And to be honest, I was iffy about going... it was going to basically be a class reunion. I haven't seen soooo many of my classmates since we graduated. ..most of use were extremely close, we didn't want to leave eachother, but were thrilled to start our new lives. Trouble was... we forgot to take eachother along for the ride. Or maybe... it was me who forgot to keep in touch.

I was never fond of the idea of graduating! My life was pretty damn near perfect.... I was friends with everyone and life, it was a piece of cake. But that first summer I started working A LOT!!! That didn't help with having a life, but then I also realized how independent I am! ..I gained great work ethics, but I lost touch with some amazing people! It wasn't until that wedding that I realized the people I left behind. ...and yes...it was my fault. It was awesome being liked for me, and not being liked for who MY FRIENDS AND I were... (not sure if that makes sense.)

There were about 15 originals in my class, me being one of them... 15 out of 27 started the journey together... and the majority started it with us shortly after. TWENTY-SIX young men and women helped me become the woman I am today. I spent what, about 8 hours with them 5 days a week?? I made best friends...lost best friends... had crushes or boyfriends... but in the end, no matter who they were to me, we would always be friends. The amazing thing about my school..even town.. was even though drama started fast, it ended just as fast. If you were new, we welcomed you... If you didn't understand something, we helped you...

One thing, well actually one person, will always tie us together. We all experienced a tragedy together... a few of them actually. These people were my whole world!! ...and when one of our classmates was ripped from our lives, we all felt hopeless...actually I'm not sure what we felt... like our heart was ripped from our chests... but when I am feeling low I know I can talk about her with any of them, and only they will understand how truly amazing she was. :)

What I am getting at is...no matter who you meet along the way, never forget about those who you started the journey with. Even if you have nothing to do with them now, they helped make you who you are today. They will ALWAYS be a part of your life..the past is part of your life. :) .. It's been about three years since I've seen some of them, well before that wedding, but I am so glad I saw them. I missed them and love the reminiscing!!! :D

Walk into your future, but don't forget your past!! <3

(These girls... )
 Have an amazing night!!! And God Bless!!


  1. Love this Miss Danielle...sure does make me think about all of the people that have been a part of my journey and I don't even know where they are..I love this post...wonderful, as always... :)))

    1. Thanks Molls!! :) I don't know where all of my past friends are at either, but I hope the best for them! :)))
