{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How much proof do you need??

What a wonderful day it has been!! ..I talk to some pretty great people, have an amazing family.. I have a job and a vehicle... a roof over my head.. great hair...and a positive attitude. _yes I said great hair.. :P ...So every negative thing aside, how can it be a horrible day?? I need reminding sometimes of all these amazing things_if you are the one who reminds me..thank you! :)))

So yesterday my brother and I were on our way home from work and we got on the subject of God. ..I don't hear my brothers opinions about Him all the time, but it makes me smile when I do, because he has the same beliefs as I do. ... We got on the subject because from Kenesaw to Grand Island people probably pull out in front of us at least.... 2 times a day.. it's rare if they don't. ..Then we started talking about how some incidents can turn out MUCH worse.

An example he used was the time about 2 or 3 years ago when he was involved in a car accident. ...His girlfriend, Chelsea, was the one driving..he was in the front passenger seat, and their friend, Natalie, was in the backseat. _Just miles before it happened, Nick realized he didn't have his seatbelt on and he buckled up..Natalie saw him and did the same thing... it was raining that evening and Chelsea mistakenly took the worst road home.. the road was too muddy and they rolled the vehicle, inches away from ending up in the pond. ...Had all three of them not had on their seatbelts, they could have been thrown from the vehicle and crushed. ...Had my brother not realized he wasn't buckled up... He said the thoughts rolling through his terrified mind were... "someone is about to die tonight.." I thank the Lord my brother was wrong. ...They all had scratches..that's it. He also asked, "how can someone not believe in God after hearing a story like that?" ..or experiencing something like that.

That wasn't the only time I was scared for my brothers life... He used to get hurt all the time. Four wheeler and three wheeler accidents to say a few... one day he was riding the four wheeler..his helmet flew off and he gashed open his chin because his teeth went right through... his three wheeler accident... he almost ran it right in an auger_that one would have been my fault too! ... I'm grateful for that accident prone kid, and maybe it is because of all of those accidents that he believes..who knows? ..it's proof to me.

I have a few stories of my own...one of them happened just this last winter. I went to Seward to hang out with my best friend. I shouldn't have gone_the weather was horrible and a big storm was coming in, but I hadn't seen her for quite a while. ..On the way there someone decided to whip around and almost cause me and a semi driver to wreck... and on the way back home traffic on the interstate stopped completely!! I came to a hault behind a semi, and next thing I knew.. I saw another semi trying to stop at high speeds going through the median so he could avoid hitting me... my car would have been completely crushed between two semi trucks! ..That is NOT luck!! That is one of my many proofs!! :))) It made me really stop to think about how close we can be to the end... it could have easily been a fatality...EASILY!! ..but not yet. :) God still needs me here on Earth! :) Yay!!

Proof...It is EVERYWHERE!! ..You can believe it or not. That, my friend, is up to you. Why live a life full of negativity though when you can live a life full of happiness?? I'm not here to judge you, just encourage, and hopefully you notice the same wonderful things I do!! I believe everything happens for a reason... all those accidents, good or bad. Whether we like them or not. We may never know the reasons...but they are there.

 ...Never forget about the one who really woke you up this morning! :))) God Bless!!!

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