{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

May your inner light shine through!!

Good evening..night..morning? It is kind of late, but I've had a lot on my mind... Sometimes it doesn't matter how many people you have around, you can still feel so alone.. who has never felt that way?_I would love to know how you do it! ;) ...HOWEVER; I am one of those people that rather enjoys being alone... finding myself.. how can you be happy with anyone else if you can't even be that with yourself? :) ...I love reading...and doing artwork... and looking up quotes... and watching movies... and of course writing on here!! :))... and of course, I was looking up quotes when I discovered one that I see ALL the time...

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. ~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

First of all... has anyone every been sitting in church and noticed the beautiful windows...all the light shining in those frames to create a marvelous story. The windows in my church are pictures...pictures of Jesus!! :) ..Every piece different...every piece makes a beautiful picture. Those windows ARE true beauty... there is no denying that.

When everything is going right, anyone can appear to be nice and wonderful...but when a tragedy hits or one small thing goes wrong the true person is revealed... I have seen so many people have to go through soooo much and still have so much respect for the world. Sometimes, I wonder... how can I be more like them?? How can I walk around with a smile on my face everyday?? How can I be there for someone EVERYTIME they need me?? How can I be beautiful on the inside too?? ...funny thing is...a lot of people ask me those very questions... I love to smile... so most of the time, that is just what I am doing.. sometimes I think I smile too much and I think it bothers some people...but I strive to have that inner light shine out! People need me, just like I need them. We all need to be strong for eachother for when one of us falls flat on our face.

And all the pieces that make that beautiful stained-glass picture are just like all the different things that make up a person...all the pieces, that make them beautiful... all those individual pieces may not be that pretty, but when it is all put together, what a beautiful picture it is...day OR night! :))

...Let your inner light shine through and be happy!!! :) God Bless!


  1. Ohhhh Danielle...I needed this today...thanks..love the post!! Keep on smiling!! :)

    1. Oh nooo why did you NEED this? Hope everything is going good!! :) And thank youuu!

  2. Ooooomiss Danielle,,, I love your smile!!! : )

    1. ohhhh Joyce! I love your smile as well!! :D

  3. Ooooomiss Danielle,,, I love your smile!!! : )
