{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


WOWZERS!!! .... my mind has been blown. This past weekend I heard some things that never cease to amaze me... I can't believe the lack of respect sooo many people (mainly girls) have for themselves.

I don't mean to point out females, but unfortunately we are held to different standards than males... When I hear a girl say, "Oh, that happens all the time," referring to black outs after drinking..."I love hearing what I did the night before!" it disgusts me. OR... "oh, yeah that will happen...." referring to waking up and being in bed with a different guy all the time. How can someone be okay with that? And maybe I am being too critical because those things have never happened to me, but those things haven't happened, because I haven't let them. For those of you who like to have FUN... I personally think that remembering the fun times are better than my friends having to tell me.

Another thing... I hear a lot of girls complain about the respect others give them. How guys are assholes and just take advantage and just want one thing. Why should someone else respect you if you don't respect yourself. It all starts with you. If YOU don't like who you are, then you need to change it. Don't be a certain way because someone else wants you to... if you want to be a better or just different person then do it... for yourself. YOU are the one in control... not them.
..I have heard the many guys, who do only want one thing, say they don't have any respect the girls who give themselves away so easy. I mean it is right out of the horses mouth... they said they won't turn those girls down, of course, but they would never date them either. And guys... DON'T be those guys... Show some respect!

"Learn your self-worth and respect yourself." Only you and God know who you really are... figure it out and show it to the world. Just because someone else gives you a title doesn't mean you have to live up to it. ...even if you gave yourself a bad name already... you still have time to change that.

"Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power." -Clint Eastwood ... I am proud to say I have real power. There are times when I am not so happy with my decisions, but by accepting my mistakes, I am then respecting myself.

and... respect yourself enough to KNOW that you deserve the best. Never settle for less. Goodnight!!



  1. Great topic, Danielle...and a great read...this coming from one of those girlies..unfortunately...self respect is something that doesn't happen overnight..we have to work hard at it and constantly be reminding ourselves of it and the NEED for it..it's a tough road, but a wonderful road all the same...and once again, unfortunately the fight is within ourselves and our decisions are just part of the struggle..doesn't make anyone better or less than anyone else..it's all a learning process..just continue to grow and you will find yourself not "giving in" so easily with time and you'll feel so much better about yourself in the long run!! Wonderful topic, one that we all need reminding of once in a while...it's all about the journey.. :)) Loved it girlie!! :)

  2. Hey Dani another good post tonite!! It's kind of sad the attention these girls seem to want & you are right it lies within them to change. Look forward to your next one!!

  3. I agree a lot I don't want a girl that's like this
