{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The things you do when nobody's looking, are the things that define you...

Hello everyone!! ...Soooo many thoughts on my mind...so, so many. No matter where my mind wanders, it usually leads back to one thing. Honesty. ..more than just honesty. INTEGRITY!

When we are little aren't we told to always tell the truth? To never lie? ..but yet, our parents did. We were told what was right and wrong. To give others a helping hand, share our toys, include everyone when we played. We were taught to NEVER steal, lie, cheat, or hurt others. ...While growing up we are told SO many things...and we are only human. It is only natural that we will mess up once in a while.

When I was little... I lied. Tell me who hasn't? When I was little... I stole. I really wanted that candy bar and I knew it was wrong, why else did I try and hide it? When I was little... I cheated. Maybe not little, little...but who hasn't gotten an answer from somebody else on a homework assignment or test? When I was little... I hurt others. Probably mainly my brother, but also friends or classmates. Not intentionally, but we can't make everyone happy. Those things don't make me a bad person. They also don't mean I don't have integrity.

When I went to basic training I learned about a deeper meaning of integrity. The Air Force Core Values: Integrity first, Service before self, Excellence in all we do. The first thing listed IS integrity. Without it how would you fulfill the other two core values?? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't!! ...We were tested multiple times on our integrity. In my flight I was known as the House Mouse ( I cleaned the instructors office and helped with some paperwork). I was pretty much the only one who was allowed inside his office. ...He left our phones unlocked, left food in the drawer, left his phone in there... He either A. trusted my integrity or B. wanted to test it. Maybe it was option C. all of the above. When he left food in the drawer, I let it be. When he left the cabinet to our phones unlocked, I locked it. And I will let you know, it sucks more than anything to not be able to talk to the ones you love back home...BUT I rememebered NOT ONLY the Air Forces values, but my own. I have a tremendous amount of respect for my instructor, and I wasn't about to betray his trust. Not only did I respect him, but the many females and males (can't forget my brother flight) that became my family. We struggled at times, but in the end we pulled through because that was the duty we were asked to fulfill at the time, AND we made sure there was excellence in ALL we did...or we at least tried.

I realize I mention the Air Force a lot...and all of my wingmen, but for good cause. Those people changed my life. Basic training may have been one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through. I have never been away from my family for more than even TWO weeks before that, let alone getting my ass chewed every five seconds for some silly reason. It was the best and the worst experience of my life...and it made me into a more confident young woman. :)

Stepping away from the military experience... I've had to make a couple visits to my chiropractor lately and sitting there I saw some pictures on the wall...


"The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the full light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny…it is the light that guides your way."

Heraclitus Greek Poet, Philosopher

That's what got me thinking about integrity... I think it is an amazing quote. YOU are the one who determines the type of person you are. If you want great values...make them. If you want integrity...change something to make it happen. What you do determines where you go. If you are honest, others will or should be honest back. And the things you do when "nobody" is looking are what truly defines you! ...and someone IS always watching, and sees what kind of person you really are, whether you deny it or not. GOD. :)

If only this world had a little more integrity...and respect for one another AND themselves.

Take care & God bless!!

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