{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's never too late...

:) So another day has come and gone.... and I am FINALLY writing another post. ...Today at work a lot of us were talking about the Olympics. How totally awesome it would be if WE were one of those people. Could you imagine??? Being that great at something?! One of the women I work with said, "that's it..I'm gonna start training right now. I'm giving myself four years to train."She was kidding, of course but...Honestly... why not? She could do it. Couldn't any of us? If we REALLY wanted to?

All of those amazingly, talented people we see on television everyday did NOT get where they are by complete chance...they busted their butt because of something they really wanted to achieve. I mean look at Michael Jordan... I watched Space Jam..I know how the story goes!! haha but for real... he worked hard to get where he did and now he has a status that very few players can even come close to! ...or just last night I watched Missy Franklin, from Colorado... I saw her story and I saw how much swimming meant to her. I saw her win a gold medal!! How totally awesome is that?! But what was even more awesome...she could have taken contracts to get paid for something she is great at, but instead she chose to stay a kid a while longer and not leave her highschool team and family and friends behind. That kind of a decision for a seventeen year old would be hard... and in my opinion I think she made the right decision. She said she wouldn't be happy without them with her so she wouldn't perform as well. ..Of course, those are only two people, but I can't name them all!! haha

"For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Has there ever been something you wanted to do? Somewhere you wanted to go? ..but you think, "well shoot, I missed my chance." .."I'm too old now." .."I'm too young." .. "It's too late." ...whatever your answer is. YOU'RE WRONG! ...It is never too late..or too early. The only reason you can't do something is because YOU convinced yourself that you can't. It isn't someone else telling you that you can't either... it is just you. In my opinion, I love when people doubt me. It makes accomplishing my goal so much better, because I just proved them wrong!!! :) andddd..people doubt me...ALOT! :) That is success right there!

 If you want to get somewhere, do it for you. If you think you wanted something and you want to stop...then stop. Your decisions are YOUR decisions! :) And it's easier said than done, but so many of us let others define who we are, but sometimes...we need to take more control.  Don't ever let someone say your dream is stupid either... those who put down your dreams never went after theirs! AND never laugh or make fun of someone else's dreams... at least they are living for something!

God gave each of us talents..MANY different ones. We were given these talents, not to waste them, but to use them to our full ability! Show people what you are made of..and remember, it is NEVER too late! :)

Don't be afraid to explore the amazing opportunities our God has given us!


Friday, July 20, 2012

We live in a fallen world...but God is here to give us hope.

WOW--  I woke up today in a pretty good mood, why wouldn't I be?? It's FRIDAY! ..but then I was told of the heartbreak, that I am sure you have all heard about... The shooting in Aurora, CO.. a man walked into a movie theatre, the midnight premiere for Batman; nonetheless, and shot the place up... He shot at 71 people...killing 12. That isn't to mention all the wounded; physically, mentally, and emotionally. The pain I feel in my chest is immense! My heart breaks for the victims and their families...the pain they must be going through... the sorrow... and the questions. WHY?? Why would somebody do such a thing? We ask that everytime something like this happens. ..but none of us seem to have the answer. And why would we have the answer? Most of us WOULDN'T do such a thing. We aren't in that same mindset as the killer.

I still, in fact, believe that everything happens for a reason. What in the world is the reasoning for all of this?? ...We may never know. My thoughts seem so contradicting... and I feel so confused. It isn't just this tragedy that is getting to me either. It is all of them. September 11th...Columbine...Virginia Tech... and the many, many more we all know of. ...Not only those though... It reminds me of all of the loved ones I have lost as well.... Death... it is such a hard concept to grasp. No one is truly ready for it and no one is EVER ready to let someone they love go, but there is no way out of it. It is the one thing that happens every single day, that we just won't accept. It's our selfishness...

Some people probably don't understand why I say that...selfishness... but we are. The human race is SELFISH! I am...you are... As you can tell, I strongly believe in God. I believe when I die that I will go to Heaven with my Savior. So why on earth would I want to be here...why I on earth would I want my loved ones to be here?? This world is full of pain and suffering compared to Heaven. ...I want to go to Heaven... but I don't want to go now. I want to live my life to the absolute fullest for Him! And being the selfish human being I am..I want my family and friends here with me.

"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." -Abraham Lincoln

We can't let such a tragedy define the rest of our lives. Those victims all over the world wouldn't want us to be hurting. If they are as amazing as we say they are...we should celebrate their life...the times we had with them. I am saddened all the time by my cousin, Ashton's, death. But then... I think back to all the crazy things all of us girls did together. It makes me smile... I think back to how amazingly talented she was... and beautiful! She knew how to live her life to the fullest with no regrets_and the lives she touched...WOW...she definitely meant the world to a lot of people. ..And my grandma Bogatz... :D She was a pure angel! ... I swear she didn't have a single bad thought in her head... and her faith was unbelievable... if you knew her story, she didn't have an easy childhood or life, but she kept to her faith and she raised EIGHT beautiful children...and then had EIGHTEEN grandchildren..along with SIX great-grandchildren. I'm not sure what her exact purpose was, but looking at the numbers... she fulfilled something amazing, a strong family. So why think of all the bad...when those people created such happiness in your life?

God never said our journey would be without heartaches, without losses. Those are the things that define us. If we didn't lose the ones we loved, would we appreciate life as much as we do? Jesus knows what suffering is... he died on the cross for all of us. But even before that...when his friend, Lazarus died, Jesus knew he was going to raise him up to Heaven, yet He still cried. He knows when we are hurting, and He hurts with us. It absolutely sucks when a loved one dies...but God will be there to be your comfort and your hope... just give your burden to Him. He will bring good from those tragedies... it may be a very long time until you get rid of that grief, but at least we don't have to do it alone. And remember...It is only a temporary separation.

God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. -Matthew 5:4

My heart and prayers go out to all of the victims and families of lastnight's shooting... May God bless each and every one of you with the strength to press on..

I hope everyone still has an amazing weekend..

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Your life's purpose...

Ahhh, Sunday... What a wonderful day_ For the most part I love Sundays! I love going to church! :) ...but Sundays also mean the next day is Monday, work day.. Haha, that's the sad part. Going back to the plus side of Sundays though... Today in church my pastor talked about our purpose. ...Maybe we are working where we are because we are there to help someone else. ... I feel a tad bit ashamed for hating my job. I have a purpose in this world_and possibly it is helping the ones I work with. I shouldn't be so selfish to think of my own needs, when someone else may have even greater ones!

I believe and was taught that we all have a purpose in this world, and when we fulfill that purpose, it is then that we get to go home to our Heavenly kingdom!! :))) I'm so excited!!! ...but I always wonder_what is my purpose? There are so many roles that people play, but what is mine? And then I think... I'm just an average girl. Nobody cares what I have to say... or what I do. And if my purpose IS to have people listen to what I have to say, why would God pick me to do something like that? I'm so...ordinary, plain, simple. I don't have all my facts straight. I'm not as educated as many other people. AND... I'm shy... I was the girl in speech class that stood up there giving a speech, turning bright red, I couldn't breath, and I talked really, REALLY fast just to get it over with. Sharing my opinion has always been hard for me. I was that girl who always kept her mouth shut and avoided any eye contact, as to not be called on. _and yet, here I am, telling you MY opinion. _Something else my pastor said this morning... There are many great people in the Bible who felt they weren't good enough to spread God's word... a tax collector, a prostitute, a linen seller... but God still chose them. It doesn't matter who you are or were.. so maybe it doesn't matter how ordinary I am. :)

"God made you as you are in order to use you as He planned."- J.C. Macauley ...isn't that the truth. :) Every one of us is different. Some smarter. Some prettier. Some more athletic. Yet, God still wants EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US! We all have a different purpose in this world... and we may never know what it is. _When I was little, I decided I wanted to be a cop. It's funny how much crap I got for that..and maybe that's what made me want to do it even more. And then there is the Air Force... and I LOVE to write and help others. I'm 21 and now I have no idea what I want to be... I love kids. Maybe I'm supposed to help them. Or be a cop...or a soldier. Maybe a stay at home mom someday? ...Maybe I'm helping people right this minute as they read this? ...No matter what my purpose, I look forward to fulfilling it! :)

_I have not yet reached my goal, and I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. -Philippians 3:12

What is your passion in life?? That may be your purpose. Something that will never get old... maybe it's art, teaching, music, writing, sports... Find your passion and run with it! Never give up on it either...maybe you aren't where you want to be, but it may be where you NEED to be. God knows what he is doing, maybe if I woulda stayed in the Air Force something might have happened to me...if I was able to join the National Guards years earlier I never would have joined the Air Force and met some AMAZING people. I know I will get there... it just takes time. Just because it is our purpose doesn't mean it is going to be easy. _But in the end, I believe it will definitely be worth it! :D

"Keep your head up, eyes focused, a smile on your face, and keep on going!" -DB

Goodnight and God Bless!! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A little independent...

Right now is as good of a time as any to talk about this... being independent. To many people, spending a Saturday night alone doesn't sound to appealing, but to me...it is relaxing. Sometimes you need time away from the world. A time where you don't have to worry about how you look; clothes, hair, face... you can just be you.

This woman seems pretty independent to me!! :)

I've always been pretty independent. I've learned people are always going to let me down... which is okay. I have the most amazing friends in the world and I wouldn't trade them for anything, but, hey it happens. I have let people down to... I don't intend to. Time slips away... but the one person I can truly count on is myself. ...but times like this can also get you into trouble... allows you to have a lot of time to think. THINK, THINK, THINK. Something I do way too much of! I reflect on the amazing things in my life...and the not so amazing.

But being independent isn't necessarily spending some time away from people. A good example... something that really bothers me is when someone breaks up with someone and three days later she already has a new boyfriend...and then they break up and three days later that girl has another boyfriend. ...I think most people NEED to have a time where they are single and NOT looking. A time to discover themselves. To figure out what they deserve in a significant other. ..In most, but not all cases, I believe if you can't make it in this world by doing things for yourself, you will never be able to have a healthy relationship with anyone. Ahhh, I'm not sure if those are the right words...but hopefully you understand what I'm saying. ..Ladies, don't be a woman who needs a man. Be a woman that a man needs. Be the woman who can go out on her own and make it in this world. Tell yourself you don't NEED a man! ..and then when you get life figured out... be the woman who WANTS a man. ...want and need. <<two different meanings. :)
__a few years ago my tire went flat...and I was 2 hours away from home at college. My two GUY bestfriends, who I will point out are farm boys, didn't know how to change a tire. ...And every time my dad tried to show me I apparently wasn't paying attention. haha... well.. guess what I did??? I did it! I changed my tire. ON.MY.OWN. without the help of a man. And I did a pretty awesome job as well! :)))) ..I think that's pretty indpenedent, if I do say so myself! No need to rush into things with anyone.. when the time is right, the right guy or girl will come into your life.

My mom gives me a lot of crap sometimes about how I am such a "home body." I love spending time with my family or alone. I feel best in the comfort of my home. I miss out on some things... hanging out with some great people. ...but that's who I am. ..and maybe it is something I need to work on_going out more. I have tried...but I'm a very shy person. And it seems everytime I do go out something happens, where someone else has lost my trust... and then I'm back to hanging out by myself...maybe I am too independent?? Is there such a thing? or possibly I need to find a little more courage in myself! :) Nahhhh... I'm proud of who I am. Whether I am alone or not.

Be proud of who you are too! :) Even if you aren't so independent. Goodnight!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The things you do when nobody's looking, are the things that define you...

Hello everyone!! ...Soooo many thoughts on my mind...so, so many. No matter where my mind wanders, it usually leads back to one thing. Honesty. ..more than just honesty. INTEGRITY!

When we are little aren't we told to always tell the truth? To never lie? ..but yet, our parents did. We were told what was right and wrong. To give others a helping hand, share our toys, include everyone when we played. We were taught to NEVER steal, lie, cheat, or hurt others. ...While growing up we are told SO many things...and we are only human. It is only natural that we will mess up once in a while.

When I was little... I lied. Tell me who hasn't? When I was little... I stole. I really wanted that candy bar and I knew it was wrong, why else did I try and hide it? When I was little... I cheated. Maybe not little, little...but who hasn't gotten an answer from somebody else on a homework assignment or test? When I was little... I hurt others. Probably mainly my brother, but also friends or classmates. Not intentionally, but we can't make everyone happy. Those things don't make me a bad person. They also don't mean I don't have integrity.

When I went to basic training I learned about a deeper meaning of integrity. The Air Force Core Values: Integrity first, Service before self, Excellence in all we do. The first thing listed IS integrity. Without it how would you fulfill the other two core values?? Oh, that's right. You wouldn't!! ...We were tested multiple times on our integrity. In my flight I was known as the House Mouse ( I cleaned the instructors office and helped with some paperwork). I was pretty much the only one who was allowed inside his office. ...He left our phones unlocked, left food in the drawer, left his phone in there... He either A. trusted my integrity or B. wanted to test it. Maybe it was option C. all of the above. When he left food in the drawer, I let it be. When he left the cabinet to our phones unlocked, I locked it. And I will let you know, it sucks more than anything to not be able to talk to the ones you love back home...BUT I rememebered NOT ONLY the Air Forces values, but my own. I have a tremendous amount of respect for my instructor, and I wasn't about to betray his trust. Not only did I respect him, but the many females and males (can't forget my brother flight) that became my family. We struggled at times, but in the end we pulled through because that was the duty we were asked to fulfill at the time, AND we made sure there was excellence in ALL we did...or we at least tried.

I realize I mention the Air Force a lot...and all of my wingmen, but for good cause. Those people changed my life. Basic training may have been one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through. I have never been away from my family for more than even TWO weeks before that, let alone getting my ass chewed every five seconds for some silly reason. It was the best and the worst experience of my life...and it made me into a more confident young woman. :)

Stepping away from the military experience... I've had to make a couple visits to my chiropractor lately and sitting there I saw some pictures on the wall...


"The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the full light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny…it is the light that guides your way."

Heraclitus Greek Poet, Philosopher

That's what got me thinking about integrity... I think it is an amazing quote. YOU are the one who determines the type of person you are. If you want great values...make them. If you want integrity...change something to make it happen. What you do determines where you go. If you are honest, others will or should be honest back. And the things you do when "nobody" is looking are what truly defines you! ...and someone IS always watching, and sees what kind of person you really are, whether you deny it or not. GOD. :)

If only this world had a little more integrity...and respect for one another AND themselves.

Take care & God bless!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Colors... RED,WHITE,BLUE


Independence Day!! ...it is here once again_ Unfortunately last year, I didn't get to celebrate with my family, but I did spend it with some very amazing people who forever changed my life _my fellow wingmen!! :)) ...maybe someday I will touch on everything we went through..even though we didn't experience any war yet, it was a challenge all the same. ..BMT...WORST AND BEST time of my life.
We made it through boot camp...
..and became great friends at tech school!!

 ...Flight 242...
Honor flight, Beast Excellence, Top PT

There are many people who say we don't need these wars-to some extent, I agree. There are many things that could be avoided... There are also some people who say the soldiers now aren't the heroes or aren't the ones giving us this freedom. Originally...NO. They did not give us this freedom, but NOW..they do. Without our soldiers today, our country would be even worse than everyone thinks it already is. If we had nobody fighting to this day then that freedom that was accomplished in the late 1700s would have been for nothing! What those men fought for would have been for NOTHING! _I respect peoples' decisions to not support the war, but not supporting the troops?? ...They give up so much for everyone in this country...and the soldiers aren't to blame for the war. They simply do as they are told. ..and I don't mean to sound rude, but if you don't support the troops or this country....then..uhhhhh...why are you here? ..perhaps another country would make you happier? or perhaps..not.

Some people will use a few soldiers who have done bad things as an example..but MOST soldiers have the right intentions. Just like anything else there are bad priests, cops, doctors, teachers, electricians, SOLDIERS, firefighters.....you get the picture... It isn't the job...it's the people. Just because a few soldiers get "blood hungry" doesn't make the rest of the crew bad. ..I signed my name for all the right intentions..and I am not being bias about this situation.. I signed my name because I care about this country..along with thousands of other men and women! :))

I have an even cooler picture I need to get on here...
These girls...they were my family. TRUST is huge!! :))

I wanna know what today means to everyone else... are you proud to be an American?? Through all this chaos... I am!! :D This world will never be perfect, so we should stop expecting perfection. Meaning... this country seems like it may be going in the crapper at times, but... it's just little kinks that need worked out..and hopefully soon..they are worked out. *family, friends, fireworks, food* I hope through all the fun, EVERYONE stays safe!! :)

I may barely talk to some of my fellow brothers and sisters, but I think about them everyday. They are sacrificing their lives for soooo little! And.. I have respect for each and every one of them! ...And I worry about them all more than ever! I thank them tremendously AND the past and the future soldiers!! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!

May God Bless You All & Stay SAFE!!! :)))