{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A girl's best friend..

Maggie - her happy self!

It has taken me a while to post a blog... I've had plenty to say, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.. Last Wednesday, August 22, my long time friend/pup died. We knew it was coming_ she was getting old, but I guess I was never prepared enough for the heartbreak it left me.

It all started about.... 14 some years ago. (we aren't completely sure when we got her) ..But my aunt and uncle lived in Ashland, Nebraska and they owned a basset hound. ...They received a phone call one night and someone asked them if they were missing their dog. Nope. It wasn't there dog. ...A few days later they called back again and asked if they wanted to take the dog or else it was gonna be put down. WHAT?!?! ...they were gonna put down a perfectly healthy dog? :( How awful! So soon after they received her, we came down to visit. I was about 8 which would make Nick about 6... OF COURSE WE WANTED HER!!! :D Sooo we took her home. I can remember very vividly the ride home, how we were trying to pick out a name. Maggie it was.  ...What baffles my mind though is_ Who honestly wouldn't want her? Who in the world would just dump her on the side of the rode and leave? It was a busy highway...it was no accident.

That thoughtless act, however, gave me one of the best dogs I could ever imagine! ...  her, Nick, and I went on many adventures together. Too many to write about here... we created some amazing  memories together. It was the three of us who went out to the pond and fell through because Nick and I had to save her, of course. :) We went in the trees all the time... she made us feel safe. It was funny too..everytime my family and I went camping we had to take her along, she wouldn't have it any other way... and when we were out on the jet skis, so was she. :) Can you imagine? A little basset hound riding a jet ski! hehe .... Every day my brother and I would get on the bus, she was right there waiting with us. When the bus took off I saw her run the other direction to grandma's! :) ...and then she knew approximately when we got home from school, because she would say goodbye to grandma and come running home to us! She really, really loved us. We were her people.

Then...one day my mom, dad, Nick, and I were eating supper.. I was in 6th grade.. my dad was terribly sick at the time.. and a kid came to the door and told us he had hit our Maggie. She was just lying there... and I thought that was it. Then... ten minutes later... she popped her head up. It was a miracle to me. She had survived and lived for another ten or so years! That dog was meant to be in my family's life. When my brother and I went through good or bad... she was there for almost all of our tragedies.

Maybe you don't care about my story, but I'm sure most of you have your own with a pet. Isn't it crazy how much you love them? How a dog or cat can be your best friend? How much a dog can truly love you? They devote their lives to us.. they know love more than we do, I think. I knew one day this would happen... but I guess I never thought one day would actually get here. or perhaps..I was HOPING it would never get here.

All she ever did was love us...never hate. When you get mad at your pets, they are sad, but then... they still love you!  I just pray she is great and healthy and happy now. All dogs go to Heaven right?? How could they not? So innocent. <3 They know not what they do wrong.

 Gunther (my pup), Suzie Q (Nick's pup) and Maggie (family pup)
They were best friends! :) and Abby (kitty, not pictured) hehe

Thanks for your time...and if anyone else is saddened over a loss of a pet, it will all be okay... they will be okay. :)


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Unexpected Kindness...

Yay! Finally, back to school... I'm not sure what is more exhausting though. My day full of classes or my 12 hour day at work?? I'm beat... One plus to this arrangement is the fact that I can sleep in a little and then wake up to watch the news before I head to my first class. This morning they talked about a 30-year-olds dying wish.

His name was Aaron Collins and his brother, Seth described him as "he was the type of person that took great joy in unexpected kindness." Aaron's request: "Leave an awesome tip (and I don't mean 25%. I mean $500 on a f***ing pizza) for a waiter or waitress." Not only did they leave $500...there generosity turned into about a $50,000 charity.  How awesome is that?? First.. he inspired his family to do something like that...and then can you imagine the impact it left on those who received it?? They couldn't believe it... that sort of thing never or rarely ever happens.

I am sick and tired... and I will emphasize that even more... SICK AND TIRED of hearing that this world is awful, no one has any respect anymore, it is all about hate. Look around darlin'...There is plenty of love in this world. What the young man did...that was love. It proves there are good people. Not only a few either... you just have to start looking for the positive instead of the negative. ...Last Christmas I was sitting in a drive thru during my lunch break ..I heard the girl at the window tell the woman in the vehicle in front of me that the person in front of her had paid for her meal. I remember hearing her ask..."but why would they do that?" I know why...Because they are good hearted people too!! :) Witnessing something like that made my heart smile... And kindness is very contagious! I wanted to do that too!! It inspired me... So... I did it ... I don't even know the reaction of that person..but I pray it made there day!

"The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow, do good
anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough, give
your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It
was never between you and them anyway." -Mother Theresa
 You never know what someone is going through... If you do some unexpected kindness, people may not remember your name, or what you look like...but they will never forget how you made them feel! Maybe that person was just about to give up hope, maybe they just lost their job, lost the custody battle for their child...maybe they just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. One small act of kindness can do some wonderful things in someone's life.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another..." -Ephesians 4:32

It's much more than giving away money. Try telling someone you like their hair or shoes or eyes. Perhaps they are lonely and just want someone to talk to. Better yet... you probably try something as simple as a smile. Those things go a long way! :)

Don't be selfish, think of other people's needs AS WELL AS your own! :) You could make a huge difference!
<3 God bless


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Could I make that sacrifice?

Good evening everyone!! Lately there seems to be a lot of negative emotion in the world, with all the shootings, death, hate.. Perhaps I am just noticing it more because I am growing up. Surely it isn't any different than any other time in the past. This past weekend I read in People Magazine about the shooting in Colorado...about the people who lost their lives..about the brave souls who gave up their life for the ones they loved! The other thing that got me thinking about all this is a song by Keith Urban, "For You."
Well, all I saw was smoke and fire...
I didn't feel a thing.
But suddenly I was rising higher...
And I felt like I just made... the biggest mistake.
When I thought about my unborn child...
When I thought about my wife...
And the answer rang out CLEAR from somewhere up above

No greater gift has man, then to lay down his life for Love.

And I wondered, would I give my life?
Could I make that sacrifice?
If it came down to it, could I take the bullet... I would
Yes I would, For You

Could I make that sacrifice? Ever since I was really little I have asked myself that. YES! I could... and I would. In fact, that is one reason why I want to be a cop and a soldier. So if the time came, I could be there to protect the ones I love. I have fears like anyone...snakes, needles, the dark, failing... dying is not one of them. In seventh grade I overcame my fear of death. I decided then, by myself, what and who I truly believed in. I now know where I am going.. maybe having that knowledge gives me the courage. No matter what happens to my Earthly body, my happily ever after lies beyond the gates of Heaven.

My mom and I were talking about this the other day. We were talking about whether or not we would risk our life for the ones we loved.. OF COURSE..without a doubt we would. Then..would we risk our life for a stranger? ... Yes... I would give my life for anyone else... yes, anyone. A complete stranger. My brother. My parents. My best friend. My "not so good" acquaintances. Why? ..because I care way too much about people... all of my friends and family mean the world to me. If something happened to any of them my heart would be broken... and that's why I would give my life for a stranger. Because if something happened to them...their friends and families hearts would be broken as well... so if it was up to me to prevent their pain, I would. I pray that I never have to make that decision, that I am never in that situation, but my decision will forever stay the same. :)

I'm not trying to make it seem like you are a bad person or anything if you wouldn't. We are all built differently.. I feel like I have a rare courage that many may lack. That doesn't make you weak if you question it or if you are incapable. Everyone has a different job in life... different jobs require different abilities. But.. could you make that sacrifice?

Don't think about it too much :) And have a great night! God bless!

"For You"-Keith Urban
*Check out this song... it is AWWWWESOMEEEE!!! :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It helps me learn...

Soo..the hardest thing for me to do right now, is to write without making people mad... I'm starting to realize how much of the world doesn't agree with me and I'm starting to not care. My mom always tells me, "who cares what other people think." .."If they were your friends, they wouldn't care." Ahhhhh!!! I LOVE MY MOM! ...she and I, well we don't always see eye to eye, perhaps for the soul reason... I AM my mother's daughter. We are too much alike, mostly stubborn! :) ...but even so, she is my biggest fan! :)) She is there for me when no one else is.

Yesterday for example... I just got a new pink/camo hat!! Yay! I love it! ...camo and pink :) Well anyway.. I wore it yesterday and I was told it doesn't look good on me.... :(((( WHAT?? I was like gee thanks... but it bothered me all day! So, of course, I told my mom... she said... "you look amazing in hats, you know that" ... and then.."wear it again tomorrow since they don't like it!" :D great idea mom! ...if someone doesn't like something you wear or do, wear it or do it anyway if that is what you want! Why did I let that ONE person ruin my day? It's funny how much I grew over the years though...I used to care, but now.. the story is changing.

But why I originally decided to write this is because many times..I speak of God. I by NO means, mean to offend anyone! ...I talk about God because it makes me feel better. It helps me understand His word more. It helps me learn...A lot of people feel that if someone talks about God that you are forcing the information on them. YES, when I speak of God, I want the people listening to believe.. I really do, but I don't think you are a bad person if you don't.  I don't think I am any better just because I do believe. I have had people say..."well Christians think their beliefs are the only right ones."..WELL...let's think this one through... If you believe in something doesn't that mean you think you are right?? Why would you believe in something you aren't sure of? Haha that actually makes me laugh...people get soooo aggravated when God is mentioned... when they hear His name the conversation is over. Why in the world am I such a bad person for spreading His word, when other people aren't "bad" for telling me to shut up?? ...does it not go both ways...or will I constantly be in this world where I will never win?

...Then I start to realize why I am the one being ridiculed for my beliefs.. this world is full of sin. OF COURSE, the belief of God is gradually getting lower and lower.. hanging by a small thread that Satan created... I see hate every single day... just how people act towards one another at work even... It is disgusting.  I see people mocked every day because they say something about God..... Oh the wonderful joys of growing up... and moving out there into the world. ..In my little small town, USA I never saw what I do now. I was sheltered for sure, but I love that sheltered life.. It gets overwhelming because everyone knows your business, but at least, for the most part, you are respected here.

I guess what I am trying to say... everyone has their own opinions and beliefs..THAT'S GREAT!! ..but don't hate people because of theirs. Don't be close minded. "Never, ever apologize for anything that makes you happy" << My beliefs make me happy!! They are what get me through the day! ...I hear stuff that makes me think all the time... maybe someone has a better point than I do... These posts may not help anyone but myself..but then again, who am I living for? ...myself and God. Judge me if you must, but I know who the real judge is! :) Plus... "those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter!" ;) ...Goodnight!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The teacher is always quiet during a test...

This is your life...live it your way!!

SOOO...Yay! Tuesday is over! :) If you remember; my least favorite day of the week!! Haha So I think it was this last Saturday_I was watching a movie with my dad..a few actually. He never saw them though, because like usual...he fell asleep. hehehe and then he wakes up half way through and tries to catch up! :) so cute.. anyway, one movie we watched was An Unfinished Life, starring Morgan Freeman, Robert Redford, and Jennifer Lopez. I don't know if any of you have ever seen it, but I sure got a great lesson from it! :)

In the movie a down on her luck woman, who was constantly abused by her boyfriend was desperate to provide care for her daughter, moves in with her father in-law from whom she is estranged. Through time, they learn to forgive each other and heal old wounds. The father in-law blamed her for his sons death..something she blamed herself for every single day. Morgan Freeman's character proved that you can go through the worst thing in the world and still forgive. His character was mauled by a bear and he was in horrible condition... People wanted the bear gone for good, but not him... he knew the bear was an innocent animal and he forgave.. he didn't let the attack dwindle his spirit! :)

 I seriously recommend this movie... Everyone's life may take a bad turn, but does that mean you just give up? No. I don't think so anyway... You hear about people everyday who go through extreme struggles and accomplish soooo much! ...a shark attack, an explosion, a car accident.... People are told they may never get to walk again, but they won't accept that answer. Some people would give up... would say..."well the Dr. said.." Who cares what the doctor says!! They have been proven wrong MANY, MANY times! ..Then there are the people who laugh at the doctor and say "actually doc, YOU are wrong." ...Some of those people accomplish more than those of us who are fully capable. Why is that??

Possibly..it is because they ALMOST saw everything they loved to do be completely ripped out of their grasp! They realized how much their life would suck if they gave up. That if they didn't adjust to the obstacles in their way they may never be happy again. ..Sometimes..you don't realize what you have until it is taken from you. Those people didn't ask for those obstacles... they never ever planned for them either.. they just took what was given to them and that made them an even greater person! :)
Life isn't always what it seems... things will be taken from us, people too, but God is writting our story. I trust He knows what He is doing for me.. He knows EXACTLY what He is doing..and those lessons, they may be the hardest lessons ever, but just think about how strong you will be after the test. :) ..I saw a quote the other day that went a little something like this.. When you are going through something hard and you are wondering where God is at...just remember that the teacher is always quiet during a test! How awesome is that?? I never thought of it that way but it is true! God is ALWAYS right there if we need Him, but He wants us to try it on our own first.

I feel silly for being upset about my life sometimes.. I've been dealt a bad hand a time or two...but nothing like so many other people. My struggles are my struggles..just as bad as anyone elses..but we all need to realize that it isn't over until we say it is. Who likes giving up? being a quitter? ..eww not me.. But at times I want to soooo bad...but is my life that bad? is yours? ...maybe not. :) I look around and see soooo many faces that love me and if anything else doesn't help me...they do! :D

Somedays it may feel like you are all alone...  I have those days, but it's also those days that I connect with God more. And then I ask myself, what more do I need as long as I have Him?  With God, you are never alone.. He is the only one that doesn't get sick of our questions... He is the one who is always listening..always there! He is the one that gives that courage to the weak...the knowledge to know what we deserve..the heart to press on...the wisdom to know when we need to stop. He knows what He is doing... and He is the only one who knows our purpose.

The next time you get close to selling out...reconsider. There is a reason for your struggle! :)


Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Bread Of Life!

So while my internet was out I thought of many, many things I wanted to write about...but I had to remind myself_ one.at.a.time. :) I had my post all planned out in my head before I went to church this morning, but then... I listened to a great lesson.

I love Sundays! I love learning about God! I love having that ONE thing in common with those many people from my community! ...Many people are going to judge me for my beliefs; christians..non christians..but I no longer care. At least I HAVE something I believe in! :)

Pastor Reehl from Grand Island came and gave us todays sermon. What an amazing speaker he is... his stories and lessons are amazing. Today the sermon came from John 6:35..."Wonder Bread." Many can guess what the lesson was about...and many of us have heard it many times, but it is necessary to be reminded.

35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."(John 6:35)

Jesus is our bread of life. Really...It is as simple as that. In the sermon Pastor Reehl talked about how he loved Wonder Bread when he was little and not long ago he asked a nutrition how healthy it actually was, and came to find out that it is HORRIBLE for us. The wash away all of the nutrition and bleach it...  Just like the Wonder bread, their are many things in this world that aren't good for us, but definitely more tempting. Jesus is the healthy, nutritional "bread" in a sense.

He told a story about a couple boys he knew... one of the boys' family made their own bread, milk, cheese, and sausage meat_ the other boy had Wonder bread from the city and peanut butter and jelly.. They traded their bucket of lunch almost every day because they wanted what the other had. Isn't it true that we usually want what someone else has? That we are rarely satisfied with what we are dealt? We shouldn't want someone else's "bucket." We were given this life for a reason.. and we should learn to be satisfied with it_ easier said than done!

He told another story about how a lady told him that she was ready to go with God because she led a good life...BUT.. we need to remember that it isn't about leading a good life. It doesn't matter if you fed all the homeless in the world, if you didn't live for God then you didn't fulfill the goal. It is said that Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven. Doing good in the world is amazing, it really is, and I'm not trying to tell anyone they aren't going to Heaven...but he is the only way. Jesus answered, " I am the way, and the truth, and the life; nobody comes to the Father but through me." ...I have made many mistakes and will be the first to admit that I do not lead that great of a life all of the time... I really do try, but one thing I do know is who died on the cross for me...Jesus. I know where I am going because I believe in Him with all of my heart! :)

God has a plan for ever single one of us... He is writting our story. ..Sometimes I'm not so happy with the story given to me... but then I remind myself. He has a plan for me...for you. We need to put our trust in Him. AND be happy with our story! :) Just like you need food for life... You do need Jesus for your spiritual life! <3

Have a great day!! GOD bless!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

19 years...

<3 <3 <3

I wasn't able to post yesterday because the lightening, ONCE AGAIN, ruined our internet... it seems that we have the worst luck ever with that! ...Yesterday, 19 years ago, I received one of the greatest gifts God could give a little girl... a baby brother! :)))) Who knew being a big sister could be such a blessing? ..I somehow remember how terrified I was though... I knew when someone was in the hospital that someone was hurt_I knew my mom was in pain and that Nick was pretty much the reason for it..but I still knew what a blessing he was! YAY!!

Always had our Husker attire on! :)

When my brother and I were little we did EVERYTHING together.. we lived 15 miles out of town so we weren't really able to hang out with any of our friends as easily. We explored in the trees, went to the river, ran through the corn fields, walked on the half frozen pond, hung out with grandma & grandpa ....and the list goes on. We were best friends. ...I honestly feel bad for the only children of this world...  I would never want a life without him!

a couple of our Nebraska winters... '09 & '10

Nick and I have grown up quite a bit since then... and we have many of the same beliefs!  ..We may not see eachother as often or hang out with eachother as much, but I KNOW we will always be friends. The day a baby comes into this world isn't just a big day for the parents... but for the new, big brother or sister!! :D

I don't remember anything from my first two and a half years before Nick, but the next 19 years were the best... I know that without him.. I wouldn't be me! :) As any sibling knows... You are the only one who can mess with them. When someone else hurts your brother or sister, there is some butt to kick! :) I would never have known that 'protective' feeling without my little brother in my life!

His birthday last year (2011) ..I took him to the Yankees game

My brother is the most important person in my life... and even though we are both growing up and going our separate ways, I look forward to the many more memories we will experience together! :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICHOLAS CLINTON BURR!! <3 I am so proud of you... and I love you very, very much!
