{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

There is a God!!

(such an inspirational song to me)

Everyone has something they believe in...whether it's a superstar, themselves, family, or a higher power... personally, I believe in GOD! :) I realize this is a touchy subject, and there are soooo many different views on the issue. HUGE views... and it may not be the first time you hear about Him from me. ...I'm not telling you what to believe, just telling what I believe :D

A lot of people say, "if there was a god, why does he let so many bad things happen?" ...God isn't the only one working his powers, the devil has a huge factor on this earth, hence the reason we are not perfect and life isn't perfect. ....AND... I have a question for those people... Why do you only look at the bad things?? Why only look at the negative? ...I  understand there is hate and war and death and hurt...but there is also LOVE  and beauty and life and happiness. Why look at the ugly things when if you really opened yours eyes and took a look at life, you would see the real reason we are here.

There are numerous reasons I have such a strong faith in the Lord. I've seen SOOO many miracles.. one in particular that everyone sees.... LIFE. How can you look at a baby and not see beauty?? The look on the brand new parents' faces. The fact that you may have never truely known what love was until you saw that bundle of joy for the first time. How it can take years to fall in love with a significant other, but seconds to feel completely happy with that baby! :D
...or nature... mountains, trees, clouds, flowers, the sun... how do you explain that happens by accident? I LOVE being outside, I love the country, because it is then that you get to see Gods creation, not man made.
...or talent. There is soooo much talent all around the world!! Singing, dancing, writing, speaking different languages, creating artwork...

My senior year of highschool, I was finally getting the playing time I deserved. I had to work my butt off to be ten times better than the girl next to me, but only be just as good according to the coach. I didn't have the name...you know...politics. and then... I tore my ACL... probably the worst thing that could have happened to me, or that was my thinking at least. My faith became weak... I was so mad beacuse basketball was over for me..dancing was over...and I wasn't able to join the military like I wanted...and worst of all, my grandma passed away the week before! ...Satan had me in reach.. He knew he was winning... but then I rememebered what my grandma would have told me...she had amazing faith herself...and she wouldn't have wanted me to give up. I decided that basketball wasn't over... I made sure that I was able to finish the season.. gimp or not... then I healed enough for my dance recital after my surgery and danced my last year with my best friend!! and then... a year later, after excruciating physical therapy and hard work and determination..I realized how strong my knee was... I then joined the USAF!! I finished everything I started... just at a different time! ... to me... that is my miracle. The way it happened... I don't think it was supposed to be possible for me... but I had faith.. I once heard God gives you anything you want... IF your heart truely desires it. ..My heart desired it oh so much!!

I believe all of that is proof...but really what I need..what we need... is much greater...it's believing without seeing...it's faith!! :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dancing in the rain...

WOW!!!!! ...where to start... I actually wasn't sure if I'd come up with anything to post today. Many great ideas came to mind, but then...I really got inspired.

I know some of the GREATEST people in the world! Yes, anyone can say that; however, I really do!! :D My parents taught me some of the greatest lessons and give me unconditional love every single day. My grandmas are the most beautiful women; showing amazing faith, amazing cooking, and a keen imagination. I have strong, supportive aunts and uncles...and the "million" cousins I have are crazy, independent, confident, loving people (I have no idea what I'd do without any of them)..I have an extremely big family, so that is only the beginning! However, this isn't about them...not tonight.

Sometimes things get rough...really rough. To the point where you feel there is nothing you can do about it anymore..that this world would be happier without you. ..If you have never felt this way, I am so happy for you and I hope you never do. Being in a slump is the hardest thing to get out of, but you're not alone. There are sooooo many people that feel they are the only ones, but that is so not true. We all get in a slump for different reasons; one persons battle may seem like a piece of cake to another, but that doesn't mean it is easy, nor are you stronger. we just have a different story.

One of my favorite quotes is, "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." <3 Sometimes the toughest struggles lead you on the best journey of your life. Many people who know me, know how fond I'm NOT about my situation. I'm not where I want to be at all... I was finally getting somewhere. My flight at BMT (boot camp) made Honor flight, Warrior flight, and top PT. We achieved so much...I was achieving so much... people were actually proud of my accomplishments and then I had to take like twenty steps back... I didn't want to come back. Whether I liked it or not I had to though. It was an EXTREMELY HUGE struggle for me, and up until about two months ago, it still was. ..but even though I don't like where I'm at, I LOVE who I am with. I learn so, so much from my co-workers. So many people with such kind hearts, who only want the best for you. So.. when I say I know the GREATEST people... It is no joke.

AND...When I talk about beauty, the person who inspired me to do this post, IS the definition of beautiful. Sometimes, I don't think she realizes the effect she has on people nor how truly beautiful she is. When I'm feeling down or just not as happy, all I have to do is look for her smiling face!! :)))She knows how to brighten anyones' day and she has the BIGGEST heart in the whole world and I am so grateful to have her and those other women in my life. ...if you ever are feeling down, look around... I guarantee you have many people who love you for who you are... and would hate to see you hurting. Just take some time out and focus on where you want to go in life, and enjoy the ride. The desination isn't where the memories are...it's the journey that gets you there! Take a step back, a lot of things we worry about turn out to be the smallest things. ...just dance! :)

You are loved...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Good evening everyone!! A lot of what I talk about comes from what I notice around me... maybe with people at work, at home, and various other places. Lately I have noticed the way some people have been treating others in my work place... unfortunately, bullying doesn't stop after highschool.

Everyone is guilty of bullying... whether you meant to be mean or not. Like me, for example, I love to joke around, which can be all fun and games to me, but maybe its not fun to them. I'm not intentionally doing any harm, but we all need to watch what we say and how we say things. ...and I WILL be sure to watch what I say and do.

However, there are many people who thrive to find peoples' weaknesses and use it against them. Like I said in a previous post, those people have their own insecurities that they are to cowardly to face, so they point out others' flaws, hoping nobody will see their own. ...Just because someone is different than you doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them. What a boring world this would be if we were all the same.

You may not know the battle someone is going through, so think long and hard before you judge... for example..there is a 15 year old girl who holds hands with her one year old son. People call her a slut, but no one knows she was raped at 13. People call another guy fat and no one knows he has a serious disease causing him to be obese. and other people call an old man ugly. No one knows he had a serious injury fighting for our country in the war. *Three perfect examples.... you don't like someone? ..no one said you had to be best friends, just treat them with the same respect you expect in return. Don't be rude to them... in highschool being nice to someone even if you didn't like them was being "two-faced" I guess. but we aren't in highschool anymore... now..it's called growing up... :)

If you are the one being bullied, I'm not sure I have much advice other than address the issue. "Don't let them get to you" is overused and highly ineffective at times, but its true. All you need is one friend, who cares what the bully thinks. :) “The bullying stopped when I claimed myself and proved that I wasn’t afraid. A lot of it was when I was hiding when I was younger.” ~ Randy Harrison
...show you aren't afraid!! :D

I hope this was effective!! Have an amazing night!! :) :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

In remembrance of those fine men and women!!

I hope everyone had a magnificent Memorial Day weekend!! :) :) ...even if you had to work... keep in mind, many of my fellow military brothers and sisters have had to work ALL weekend and many other holidays, as well. I am so proud to say I have many, MANY friends in the military now. They are the strongest people I know and I am so grateful I am lucky enough to be in their lives!! :)

Today isn't only in memory of those who have made the ULTIMATE sacrifice, but also in honor of those men and women who have signed their names and made the oath. They too may have to make the ultimate sacrifice and are willing to do that for you and me! :) I pray to the Lord everyday that He keeps my brothers and sisters safe, but I also keep in mind that they know what they signed up for and they are willing to do whatever to keep this country safe! I am so proud to be an American, and I hope you are too!!! God bless the courageous!!!

...this day is also a big reminder of the loved ones we have lost over the years (non military related). I don't need a day set aside to remember them, they are on my mind constantly. My cousin/best friend Ashton Burr and my amazing grandma Bogatz are the two that have affected me the most. And two of my grandpas that I never got the privelege of knowing are also missing from my life. ..Even though I would much rather have those amazing people in my life today, and I feel safe knowing the kind of angels I have watching over me!
....here is something I wrote a while back to all of my friends...
I miss you... one of the best friends I have ever had. I think about you all the time...When will I get to see you? One does not know, but I look forward to that day. You made my childhood worth living and you inspired so many people with your talents. You are beautiful and loving and you treated everyone with kindness. Everyone shared a different bond with you, but we all have one thing in common; we love you so much. You are happier now, and that makes me happy, but the selfish part of myself wishes you were here with all of us. How different things would be with you around. I miss you greatly. And I love you so much, Ashton Burr.

Never take anything or anyone for granted. Everyone needs to live by that, but in reality, none of us do. I have the most amazing friends and family in my life, but at times I do take them for granted. I don't appreciate them like I should. I would never make it through half of the things I go through in life if it wasn't for them. They give me courage and hope. They tell me I can, when I don't think it's possible. They never give up on me and they put up with me at my worst times.

Just say "I love you" a little more. Don't be so stubborn, and be the bigger person once in a while. Apologize when you are wrong, and sometimes even if you aren't. Life is too short to always be right, I mean what's the point in being right anyway, when you have no one because you have too much pride. Be wrong sometimes. Always try your hardest, but don't be afraid to lose. Learn from every experience, especially the bad ones. Cherish the great times. Never give up. Don't be afraid to love. And TRUST IN THE LORD. You never know exactly when your last goodbye will be, so make sure they know just how much they mean to you...always. ...I love you all.

We are all missing someone. ..but instead of sorrow, we should reminisce on all of the amazing times we had with them. And remind the people we do have in our lives how much they mean to us and how much we love them!! :D

Have an amazing night everyone!!


Friday, May 25, 2012

The IMPORTANT things in life...

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! :) ...I have continuously signed in and signed out of here... over and over because  I wanted to make sure my blog was worth your time. :) ..I was looking up some more quotes trying to find the perfect topic when I ran across a story that I found interesting and SO true!! ...The Important Things In Life... (looks a bit lengthy, but it's a fast read :)...)

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car.
The sand is everything else. The small stuff.”
“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.
Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” -author unknown

It is so true that we often put the wrong things first. How many of you are focused more on work than anything else? You are there more than you are at home, with your family... Sure work is very important so you can provide for your family, but do you really want to miss out on your life? ..and don't worry about the things that don't matter... the petty things... the sand...

My parents work ALL the time...workaholics... but they never missed my brother and my sporting/school events. They always figured out a way to put us first, which I took for granted at times, but I appreciate what they did for us more than anything! The value of family is HUGE! Be there to talk and spend time with the people you love... laugh often, share secrets... and make AMAZING memories! I couldn't ask for better people in my life... every single one of them have made me who I am and they are the reason I have a smile on my face each and every day! :D

...life is short so don't take one moment for granted.

I wish an amazing and safe weekend to everyone.. Goooood night!! .Godbless.
The flowers I got my momma for Mother's Day... still looking beautiful!!
and I also created the HOPE picture in the backgroud for her as well :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Confidence is beautiful...

Good evening!! ... I have been thinking constantly, ALL day long about what exactly I was going to write about tonight... and it was tough..there are soooo many things, but after thinking about it all morning, I realized I had the perfect topic right under my nose.

I am with some very amazing people for 12 hours everyday. They have taught me sooo much and I honestly have so much respect for a lot of them. They give amazing advice and they watch out for me, which I truely appreciate. But.... there is one thing I notice with a lot of my peers, at work and outside of it. ...sadly...there are SO many people with a lot of insecurities and it bothers me, because I don't see the flaws in them that they see. Naturally, we all have "flaws." And I say it like that because who is to say what is perfect and imperfect. ...but I like to think everyone is a perfect version of themselves!! :)

While growing up and to this day my parents constantly remind me that beauty isn't just what is on the outside, it is what is underneath. They taught me to never judge a person by how they look and if you get to know someone, it is then that you can tell how truely beautiful or ugly someone really is-but only because of their attitude (not looks). Confidence is the most beautiful thing a person can have. ...and need I remind everyone, cockiness is NOT confidence. You have to show a little modesty, don't be so into yourself that there is no room for anyone else to be into you. :) Maybe you don't know how to be confident... and I'm not sure I am the person to tell you exactly how it happens... you just have to be proud of who you are.. like I said in my last post...who cares what someone else thinks..the people who matter, don't mind! :) "Confidence comes from not always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong." ... it is the same as to win some, you have to lose some. ...you don't learn anything by ALWAYS being right. AND you get more respect by living up to your mistakes ...
I haven't been bullied a lot in my life, but I do know it can suck when people point out your flaws...like you didn't already see them yourself. ...If that happens to you, just stay strong! The people who do that have their own insecurities and for some odd reason they feel better criticizing everything about you... but you can't let it get to you... they aren't worth the stress.... and pray that they learn to be happier with themselves as well. :) :)

I have also seen a quote I am quite fond of.... "The most beautiful curve on someone's body is their smile." :D That is most certainly true. I don't know very many people that look attractive with a frown on their face, and I would much rather get to know someone who is always happy anyway. ...who wants to be friends with Debbie Downer? ..don't be Debbie; show those pearly whites by putting a smile on that beautiful face. :D ...everyone goes through tough times and know you are NEVER alone... I am a great listener and I like to think I give great advice (that I don't always follow), but I hope and encourage you, if you EVER, EVER, EVER need someone to talk to I will be glad to help! :) Everyone is going through their own kind of battle... but we can't constantly compare ourselves to everyone else... saying "I'm too fat.." ...or ..."I'm too skinny" ..."I'm too short." ..or... "..too tall." We all need to learn to not only except other people, but ourselves as well!!

           "Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful."
Goodnight all! Sweet dreams... and God Bless! :)


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My FIRST BLOGGGGG!!!!! :) :)

Helloooo everyone!! :) I have been talking about starting a blog for quite some time and now that I finally started one I am sooooo excited to share my thoughts with you. Going through life with a constant postive attitude is damn near impossible, but it is something I try to do every day. People have told me, "Danielle, when you smile you make the world a happier place." ...and it is things like that, that inspire me to stay the happy girl I am.

First, I would like to start off by telling you a little bit about myself.... as you have probably already realized, my name is Danielle.  I am the not-so-typical 21 year old girl. (Drinking isn't a huge interest of mine.) ...as of now I still live with my parents and brother while I am waiting...very patiently.. to get my orders, as I have very recently gotten back in the Air Force. It is a very stressful wait... and you may see a little bit about the Air Force while I still wait...... VERY PATIENTLY. :) *on a sidenote...my brother is 18, a just graduated this last May. I am so very proud of him and all of his accomplishments and even though he is growing up, I hope that when he does need someone, that he will need me.. *

I have always dreamed of being in the military, not for the power of war, not for the schooling or the money... I really love this country and would risk my life for any loved one AND stranger. A favorite quote of mine..."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, that is when the world will know peace.".. I believe we WILL someday know peace, maybe not in this world, but in another... Getting in the military was always a tough task for me... God has always liked to make me work for what I want and of course I always wanted the easy way out, but it is true He doesn't give you anything you can't handle. If you want something bad enough, you CAN get it. I love life and all the people I have come to know... even the people who have hurt me more than I could ever imagine have taught me the greatest lessons, and I love them for that. :)

Also.... I absolutely LOVE quotes!!!! I look them up all the time... and live by them. Some are great examples of life. The one I would like to share with you at the moment is, "I'd rather be hated for who I am then loved for what I'm not." ...It is true that above anyone else, we need to be satisfied with who we, ourselves, are. If you are constantly trying to please everyone else, you will only end up with the same emptiness as when you started. ...I love making people happy, but I try and remind myself to never ever forget about myself as one of those people. If you never stand up for what you believe in then who are you really??? Do you want to be like everyone else?... I sure don't.  For example, I know a lot of people probably think I am stupid for starting a blog...who starts a blog?? ...but it isn't for them... it is for me :) I have so many ideas that are just waiting to get out... so why not share my happiness with everyone else? ... I hope everyone has an amazing night. andddd God bless.
