{It's about love, it's about compassion. It's about kindness and faith (it has nothing to do with 'luck'.)It's about patience.... It's about caring and sharing. It's about forgiveness.} ♥ :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

May your inner light shine through!!

Good evening..night..morning? It is kind of late, but I've had a lot on my mind... Sometimes it doesn't matter how many people you have around, you can still feel so alone.. who has never felt that way?_I would love to know how you do it! ;) ...HOWEVER; I am one of those people that rather enjoys being alone... finding myself.. how can you be happy with anyone else if you can't even be that with yourself? :) ...I love reading...and doing artwork... and looking up quotes... and watching movies... and of course writing on here!! :))... and of course, I was looking up quotes when I discovered one that I see ALL the time...

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. ~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

First of all... has anyone every been sitting in church and noticed the beautiful windows...all the light shining in those frames to create a marvelous story. The windows in my church are pictures...pictures of Jesus!! :) ..Every piece different...every piece makes a beautiful picture. Those windows ARE true beauty... there is no denying that.

When everything is going right, anyone can appear to be nice and wonderful...but when a tragedy hits or one small thing goes wrong the true person is revealed... I have seen so many people have to go through soooo much and still have so much respect for the world. Sometimes, I wonder... how can I be more like them?? How can I walk around with a smile on my face everyday?? How can I be there for someone EVERYTIME they need me?? How can I be beautiful on the inside too?? ...funny thing is...a lot of people ask me those very questions... I love to smile... so most of the time, that is just what I am doing.. sometimes I think I smile too much and I think it bothers some people...but I strive to have that inner light shine out! People need me, just like I need them. We all need to be strong for eachother for when one of us falls flat on our face.

And all the pieces that make that beautiful stained-glass picture are just like all the different things that make up a person...all the pieces, that make them beautiful... all those individual pieces may not be that pretty, but when it is all put together, what a beautiful picture it is...day OR night! :))

...Let your inner light shine through and be happy!!! :) God Bless!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why worry???

Finally!! Tomorrow is Friday...awww sweet, sweet Fridays! It surely has been a long week, like every other... but anyway, I've been trying to think long and hard about what I wanted to talk about. I always look up quotes, it's one of my favorite things to do! Quotes to live by!! ...They really do sum it all up with only a few short sentences.

Every week at work seems to be getting worse and worse. I'm still here and I don't understand what is taking the AF so long..And it's having a huge strain on my attitude.. I know I'll get my orders sooner or later, but waiting is not my strong suit. I worry about how my training is going to go. I worry about my dad and my mom and my brother and my whole family. I worry about all my friends, the decisions they all make... I worry about the decisions I make. I worry about who I am and where I am going... all I do is worry. WORRY, WORRY, WORRY!! ...but... why??

I found this quote tonight that sums it right up. "If your problem has a solution then...why worry about it? If your problem doesn’t have a solution then...why worry about it?" ~ Chinese Proverb You can't really say it any other way... if you have a solution, then I suppose you no longer have a problem... and if you don't have a solution, what's it matter anyway, whatever happens, happens.

Me telling you not to worry isn't going to help either... We all worry. Even after reading that quote, I am still me. My momma calls me a little worry wart. I never do anything that could get me in trouble, because that's what I do...I think of all the consequences or all the benefits of something. ...I absolutely hate it when I talk myself out of having some "fun." ..I do it quite often. Something sounds like a blast, but then I ask myself what kind of trouble I could get into. ..So I worry..and don't end up doing it... I think my friends hate that about me, but...at the same time, I like that about myself.

...a little sidenote...  I chose a butterfly picture for this topic because I find them very calming... they are just so peaceful and beautiful. :))) How could they not comfort you?? :)

Just try and remind yourself to not worry so much...I'll do the same. There really is no point, but sometimes, I feel we don't have a choice..it just happens. Have a calm, relaxing night everyone!! :) and God bless!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How much proof do you need??

What a wonderful day it has been!! ..I talk to some pretty great people, have an amazing family.. I have a job and a vehicle... a roof over my head.. great hair...and a positive attitude. _yes I said great hair.. :P ...So every negative thing aside, how can it be a horrible day?? I need reminding sometimes of all these amazing things_if you are the one who reminds me..thank you! :)))

So yesterday my brother and I were on our way home from work and we got on the subject of God. ..I don't hear my brothers opinions about Him all the time, but it makes me smile when I do, because he has the same beliefs as I do. ... We got on the subject because from Kenesaw to Grand Island people probably pull out in front of us at least.... 2 times a day.. it's rare if they don't. ..Then we started talking about how some incidents can turn out MUCH worse.

An example he used was the time about 2 or 3 years ago when he was involved in a car accident. ...His girlfriend, Chelsea, was the one driving..he was in the front passenger seat, and their friend, Natalie, was in the backseat. _Just miles before it happened, Nick realized he didn't have his seatbelt on and he buckled up..Natalie saw him and did the same thing... it was raining that evening and Chelsea mistakenly took the worst road home.. the road was too muddy and they rolled the vehicle, inches away from ending up in the pond. ...Had all three of them not had on their seatbelts, they could have been thrown from the vehicle and crushed. ...Had my brother not realized he wasn't buckled up... He said the thoughts rolling through his terrified mind were... "someone is about to die tonight.." I thank the Lord my brother was wrong. ...They all had scratches..that's it. He also asked, "how can someone not believe in God after hearing a story like that?" ..or experiencing something like that.

That wasn't the only time I was scared for my brothers life... He used to get hurt all the time. Four wheeler and three wheeler accidents to say a few... one day he was riding the four wheeler..his helmet flew off and he gashed open his chin because his teeth went right through... his three wheeler accident... he almost ran it right in an auger_that one would have been my fault too! ... I'm grateful for that accident prone kid, and maybe it is because of all of those accidents that he believes..who knows? ..it's proof to me.

I have a few stories of my own...one of them happened just this last winter. I went to Seward to hang out with my best friend. I shouldn't have gone_the weather was horrible and a big storm was coming in, but I hadn't seen her for quite a while. ..On the way there someone decided to whip around and almost cause me and a semi driver to wreck... and on the way back home traffic on the interstate stopped completely!! I came to a hault behind a semi, and next thing I knew.. I saw another semi trying to stop at high speeds going through the median so he could avoid hitting me... my car would have been completely crushed between two semi trucks! ..That is NOT luck!! That is one of my many proofs!! :))) It made me really stop to think about how close we can be to the end... it could have easily been a fatality...EASILY!! ..but not yet. :) God still needs me here on Earth! :) Yay!!

Proof...It is EVERYWHERE!! ..You can believe it or not. That, my friend, is up to you. Why live a life full of negativity though when you can live a life full of happiness?? I'm not here to judge you, just encourage, and hopefully you notice the same wonderful things I do!! I believe everything happens for a reason... all those accidents, good or bad. Whether we like them or not. We may never know the reasons...but they are there.

 ...Never forget about the one who really woke you up this morning! :))) God Bless!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't EVER leave the ones you care about behind!

HELLO!! ...  I have been super slacking lately... motivation, motivation, motivation..  Anyway..  a couple weekends ago, one of the girls in my class got married.. BEAUTIFUL wedding and beautiful bride by the way!! And to be honest, I was iffy about going... it was going to basically be a class reunion. I haven't seen soooo many of my classmates since we graduated. ..most of use were extremely close, we didn't want to leave eachother, but were thrilled to start our new lives. Trouble was... we forgot to take eachother along for the ride. Or maybe... it was me who forgot to keep in touch.

I was never fond of the idea of graduating! My life was pretty damn near perfect.... I was friends with everyone and life, it was a piece of cake. But that first summer I started working A LOT!!! That didn't help with having a life, but then I also realized how independent I am! ..I gained great work ethics, but I lost touch with some amazing people! It wasn't until that wedding that I realized the people I left behind. ...and yes...it was my fault. It was awesome being liked for me, and not being liked for who MY FRIENDS AND I were... (not sure if that makes sense.)

There were about 15 originals in my class, me being one of them... 15 out of 27 started the journey together... and the majority started it with us shortly after. TWENTY-SIX young men and women helped me become the woman I am today. I spent what, about 8 hours with them 5 days a week?? I made best friends...lost best friends... had crushes or boyfriends... but in the end, no matter who they were to me, we would always be friends. The amazing thing about my school..even town.. was even though drama started fast, it ended just as fast. If you were new, we welcomed you... If you didn't understand something, we helped you...

One thing, well actually one person, will always tie us together. We all experienced a tragedy together... a few of them actually. These people were my whole world!! ...and when one of our classmates was ripped from our lives, we all felt hopeless...actually I'm not sure what we felt... like our heart was ripped from our chests... but when I am feeling low I know I can talk about her with any of them, and only they will understand how truly amazing she was. :)

What I am getting at is...no matter who you meet along the way, never forget about those who you started the journey with. Even if you have nothing to do with them now, they helped make you who you are today. They will ALWAYS be a part of your life..the past is part of your life. :) .. It's been about three years since I've seen some of them, well before that wedding, but I am so glad I saw them. I missed them and love the reminiscing!!! :D

Walk into your future, but don't forget your past!! <3

(These girls... )
 Have an amazing night!!! And God Bless!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Golden Rule...

Helllloooo!! :) We are halfway through the week... it is getting there!! ..Soooo I think everyone can tell where I will be going with this post. RESPECT...but not like my last respect post. Yes, we do need to respect ourselves, but lets not forget about everyone else.. have some selflessness.. it isn't ALL about you.

I notice this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. ..not respect, but disrespect. I know I am guilty... I have my moments when I can be rude, but I try really hard to treat people how I want to be treated. Problem is... I can take a joke. I like when people joke with me..and then I joke with people and they get their panties in a bunch. Come on... BUT I guess I am treating them how I want to be treated... :)

Just because someone is "beneath" you, does NOT mean this rule doesn't apply to you. I will give anyone respect until they give me a reason not to because even though it is earned, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I've been made a fool many times...unfortunately many people have given me many reasons not to. A good example, if you are a boss or owner, how are you going to have a productive business if you are rude to your employees? or if you give some people privileges, but not others? ..Just a little food for thought... :)

Also... age doesn't matter. A child deserves just as much respect as an adult. They may or may not understand as much as you do, but they are human beings too. ...my friends are human beings... I am a human being!! .. I may not be as experienced in life, but I have my own list of experiences...probably different then your own. I've learned things you haven't... I've gone through things that you haven't... You're not necessarily smarter with age, so don't treat me or anyone like their opinion doesn't matter... I have to respect my elders AND vice versa!!

Matthew 7:12 -So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. ...I'm not quite sure what this world is coming to, but what happened to the Golden Rule?? If YOU respect me there is no doubt about it, I WILL respect you!

...Let's all take a step back and see if we want to be treated that way...

Have an amazing night!! and God bless!!



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl...

Beach in Texas with my pa!! :)

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the amazing fathers out there!! :) ... I would have to say that my daddy is one of the most amazing of them all.. as many of you would say about yours as well! He is the definition of a REAL man and father.

My mom has told me many times how proud my dad was/is to be a father. He may have been more scared than anything else, but he was a natural with us. Both of my parents were always there with Nick and I...ALWAYS. I know a lot of people that never had much of a relationship with their parents..I could never imagine. ...He taught me sooo many things.. how to have a sense of humor, ride a bike, drive a car, change a tire, fix things, be independent, be a hard worker...etc.

..Anyone who has ever met my dad probably knows what a hard worker he is... I don't think the man ever sleeps! When I was younger and was doing pretty much every sport possible, who made it to EVERY game or event? ..My daddy... Not to mention he made it to all of my brothers things too... He has to be superman... or something! Never once did he complain about it either. He sacrificed SO much for the two of us, and at the time I never realized how much, but now I understand and appreciate everything he does for me!

We were always wearing our Husker outfits!! :D

Starting at the age of four I started taking dance classes... and when he picked me up, he would take me out for icecream or tacos and then roll the windows down, crank up The Eagles, Bob Seger,& Bruce Springsteen... but the one song we sang the most was Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus!! :) I'm almost postive everyone knows what song I am talkin about...

My dad always puts his family first. If I need him..he is there. If I ever felt scared...he comforted me. He would check the whole entire house if I thought someone was here that shouldn't be..ALWAYS! He turned me into the confident woman I am today. He always tells me how pretty I am..how smart I am. How proud he is of me and all of my accomplishments...Better yet.. he always tells me that he loves me!!  ..It's funny.. a lot of people think he looks scary or is a mean guy, but he has the BIGGEST sense of humor ever and the nicest guy!! And everyone may see his serious, hard working side, but me I've seen it all... I've had him wrapped around my finger since the day I was born!

My heart aches for those who don't get to spend anymore time with their fathers... I'm so blessed that mine is still in my life... and by blessed I mean it... when I was in 6th grade the man I knew to be so strong got sooo sick. I prayed to God everyday for him to get better and when I blew out the candles on my cake, my wish was for him. ...and look now...he is still here with me!! :)

... Christmas 2010 ...

A truly great daddy is hard to come by... men, be those great dads!! :) My dad has set pretty high standards for all the men in this world.. Good luck to all of you, because he is pretty great!

Hope all the daddy's had a great day..and everyone have a great night!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Keep your head high gorgeous...

Good evening everyone! Sooo..I apologize... I have been slacking a little bit on my posts this week. I suppose I haven't exactly been following my own advice about staying positive and not letting people bother me. This whole week I've let people get the best of me... Some people are just rude. That is all there is to it and we can't let them get to us.

“This life is what you make it. Not matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up becuase if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.”
― Marilyn Monroe

Even though people get to us, we can't blame it on them. It's easy to do that, but we are the ones who control our attitude on a situation. ...Personally.... I kind of suck at not letting people get to me. You focus on the things they say or do and forget about the people who really matter...  Why does it matter what your haters think when you have people who ACTUALLY care about you that have a different opinion?? We all do it.. Why are we soooo focused on those other people? Shouldn't our friends and families opinions mean the most to us? My answer... UH DUHH! ...but we still always crave those other peoples' approval.

Like the quote states, we will have many friends. Fake and true ones... some will come and go, but there will always be those few that will be by your side through it all, and there will be times you don't always agree with them either.. but don't ever let your pride get in the way of ANY relationship!! ..I said in a previous post to never give up.. just keep on trying until you succeed... well.... I'm serious... You will get there. ...I love how this quote just about sums it all up! :) Life is a beautiful thing.. don't believe me?? Venture your way out to the country roads... look at the trees, the open skies, and the beautiful wildlife! ... Take a little stroll and smell the fresh air... (hopefully there isn't a feed lot nearby hehe) ..listen to the sound of... wind? the breeze through the grass and trees, the birds chirping...  what a beautiful world we live in!! :D

"Keep your head high gorgeous, there are people that would kill to see you fall."-unknown ...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this quote! I think some people major in that sort of thing... watching people fall. They can't be satisfied with the happiness of others. BUT..People only hate those who are great! :D ..That right there should be a little motivation.

Have an amazing night!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Forgive but NEVER forget!!

It is now the end of another great weekend, but lets prepare ourselves for an amazing week! :) Last week I talked with a few co-workers about how you always need to forgive, but make sure you never forget. I thought...PERFECT topic. Then today while I was listening to my pastor's sermon in church he too talked about forgiveness. He said many people say to forgive AND forget, but that is where those people are wrong. We need to remember...sometimes remembering can hurt, but it also prevents us from making the same mistakes twice. “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”   -Sir Winston Churchill

When someone hurts you, the absolute hardest thing to do is to forgive them. I have learned; however, that forgiving someone not only is the right thing to do, but it lifts a lot of weight off of your shoulders. If we forget about the friend who stabbed us in the back, who knows if we would tell her another secret for her to do it again. If we forget about the boy who broke our heart, we may fall too fast so the next boy can hurt us too. If we forget about the person who lied to us, we may be just as gullible to every other persons' stories.

I've gone through my fair share of very dishonest people, very much like any of you have I am sure... Anywhere from a little "white lie", to a best friend stealing mine and others' possessions, up to anyone being so deceiving that they would cheat on someone. I don't care who you are, whether you cheated on me or anyone, it is wrong and I will lose a lot of respect for you if you do it and lying is my biggest pet peeve, but I forgave those people...my friend who stole from me.. it was wrong and I never trusted her alone with my things again, but I did forgive her. ...As for the guy who cheated on me... I think I am still working on it. I forgive him, but it is hard to get over the damage he did. It is hard to trust someone SO much and then realize everything was one big lie.

By going through all of those bad relationships though, I have realized what I want... what I deserve. I'm not going to give up because of a few lousy people. I have met some extremely amazing people... And great guys do exist, my best friends are proof. Not everyone is the same, male or female. And don't shut everyone else out because of a few bad people who hurt you. Give people a chance, but never forget what the other lessons taught you.

Jesus went through more suffering than we can even imagine, but he still asked God to forgive us. Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. -Luke 23:34 ...If we can't learn to forgive those who have hurt us, how dare we expect Jesus to even think about forgiving us?

Good night and God bless! :D


Friday, June 8, 2012

Someone to look up to...

Hello!! I hope everyone had an amazing week...it's FRIDAY!! :) So, lately I have been getting a lot of praise for this blog! ...Makes me soooo happy to hear that people like it and at first I thought people were just being nice, but it turns out.. I think I have inspired a few people. It is an amazing feeling because that was the goal...HOWEVER... it is a lot of pressure! :D Everyone's opinion matters to me..if you like it, if you don't like it, I want to know. AND one of the greatest feelings is when someone you look up to praises you and tells you they are proud!!!

I am very blessed to have sooooo many amazing people in my life. They all made me who I am, I have a piece of advice from every one of them. ..My family has always been my biggest support system, every single one of them. And even though I'd like to write about how each one of them has inspired me, I can only pick one for today. (trust me... I'll get to the rest of you!!)

Ever since I was little I looked up to one of my many cousins... I always wanted to do what she was doing and be just like her.(Yes I was that cute, yet annoying little cousin who followed her everywhere!!!) I was her mini me!..She was/is smart and nice and pretty and talented. A lot of things I have done in life, I have pushed myself because I wanted to impress her and make my family proud...WELL!! ..last night I received a message from her..she had read my blog........ and...she loved it! :D ..Her: "I am so proud to have you in my life... you are truly wise beyond your years.. you have incredible courage and I only hope I can have that same courage some day! I love you so much!" .. WHATTTT?? She wants the courage I have? Being the one who has looked up to her, and hearing her say she was proud and wanted my courage blew my mind!! Her saying that has kept me smiling all day! ..I didn't become who I am on my own.. I had to get my courage from someone.. and I didn't always have this courage either. It takes a lot of people to make you who you are... starting with the people you look up to.
...Even though I have gone through tough times; deaths, bad relationships, heartache... I know I will get where I need to because of her! She had tough times too.. she was young once, and she definitely met some not so great people. NOW... she is married to an amazing guy with two amazing children. Her little family is complete and she is happy! :) THAT is what gives me hope! 

I hope I have the same effect on my little cousins as she has on me! It is such an absolutely amazing feeling when someone looks up to you!! ... and personally, I think it helps you be a better person. You wouldn't want your younger siblings or cousins see you do something you wouldn't want them to do... I didn't choose my family, but I love them more than anything!! Such a blessed gift God has bestowed upon my life... <3


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


WOWZERS!!! .... my mind has been blown. This past weekend I heard some things that never cease to amaze me... I can't believe the lack of respect sooo many people (mainly girls) have for themselves.

I don't mean to point out females, but unfortunately we are held to different standards than males... When I hear a girl say, "Oh, that happens all the time," referring to black outs after drinking..."I love hearing what I did the night before!" it disgusts me. OR... "oh, yeah that will happen...." referring to waking up and being in bed with a different guy all the time. How can someone be okay with that? And maybe I am being too critical because those things have never happened to me, but those things haven't happened, because I haven't let them. For those of you who like to have FUN... I personally think that remembering the fun times are better than my friends having to tell me.

Another thing... I hear a lot of girls complain about the respect others give them. How guys are assholes and just take advantage and just want one thing. Why should someone else respect you if you don't respect yourself. It all starts with you. If YOU don't like who you are, then you need to change it. Don't be a certain way because someone else wants you to... if you want to be a better or just different person then do it... for yourself. YOU are the one in control... not them.
..I have heard the many guys, who do only want one thing, say they don't have any respect the girls who give themselves away so easy. I mean it is right out of the horses mouth... they said they won't turn those girls down, of course, but they would never date them either. And guys... DON'T be those guys... Show some respect!

"Learn your self-worth and respect yourself." Only you and God know who you really are... figure it out and show it to the world. Just because someone else gives you a title doesn't mean you have to live up to it. ...even if you gave yourself a bad name already... you still have time to change that.

"Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power." -Clint Eastwood ... I am proud to say I have real power. There are times when I am not so happy with my decisions, but by accepting my mistakes, I am then respecting myself.

and... respect yourself enough to KNOW that you deserve the best. Never settle for less. Goodnight!!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Time is of the essence...

Happy Tuesday!!! :) So while I was trying to think about a topic for today, I had to glance up at the clock to see how much time I had left to think of something...and then... it dawned on me... TIME. Everything we do revolves around time. ...we have to be to work at a certain time, we definitely get off  work at a certain time. We would be lost without it. “Time is what we want most,but what we use worst.” -William Penn ...We never have ENOUGH time...

Remember, we can never get it back.  Don't waste your time on pointless things... "Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted." -unknown  Of course, pointless to you may not be pointless to someone else. But while there is still TIME, spend it with the ones you love, doing the things you love. Be happy, because life is too beautiful and too short to be anything else...  grudge holding is a waste of time to me. An amazing friend of mine once said to me, "why let someone have that type of control over you???" and she was right. You just let them win... and waste YOUR time. ..I know I have let many people get to me, and I shouldn't have. ..but next time it happens...just remember how valuable time is.

Make each and every day count. You may not be exactly where you want to be at the moment. (Trust me, I know all about that.) but.. don't ever give up. I believe everything happens for a reason. I am where I am because it effects where I am going. Focus on a goal and go after it. Don't try and fail and then give up... try and try and try some more! It will happen. It may be the hardest thing you will ever have to do and it may take some time, but it will be worth it. and you will be oh so proud of yourself. ..what an amazing feeling that is!!

...another thing with time is patience. It is the hardest thing to have... but we need it, or else time takes forever. Seems as if time is the shortest and the longest thing ever... we have such a short time doing and being with the ones we love, but when it comes to bad times or boring...time goes on and on. So patience is definitely a key factor. If you have patience and determination, the time you spend will get you were you want to go. :)

“The future is uncertain but the end is always near.” -Jim Morrison ...Never take a single moment for granted... because we will never know when the clock is about to stop.

Have an absolutely amazing night!! :) God Bless!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The love of a child

I hope everyone had an absolutely amazing weekend!! ..but back to the work week we go!!... 

On Friday, some of my co-workers and I got onto the subject of children. It automatically reminded me of an amazing little seven year old I met in Texas, while I was at training... I went to Dave& Busters with my boyfriend at the time, my roommate, and her boyfriend... The guys were busy winning tickets when I noticed this little boy with mounds and mounds of tickets. I went up to him and was like, "WHOA!! You have a lot of tickets!!" and he said to me, "Do you want them?? I have way more at my table!!" ..I was very touched by his generosity, but told him that he earned those tickets and he should get an awesome prize for himself... Later on, we were turning in our tickets and there was this GINORMOUS giraffe...and it was the cutest thing and of course I wanted it sooooo bad! :) Unfortunately we didn't have enough tickets, but the little boy was looking for his prizes at the same time and came up to me and said, "I'm sorry, I wanted to get that girrafe for you, but I don't have enough tickets.." That was seriously the sweetest thing ever!!!  He then came back a little later and handed me a football that he picked out for me instead!! ... I will never see this little boy again, but it is such an amazing memory that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. The generosity of most little kids amazes me... They have the biggest hearts in the world!

It reminds me of a story in the Bible... Mark 10:13-16... 13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16 And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. The way children believe is amazing.. They can be a bit stubborn, and when they hear the word of God,like learning any new thing, they want to tell everyone! They aren't afraid of being judged, they say exactly what is on their mind, and I think we do need to be more like them. If only I had the faith they have. If only I talked to God more and was as eager to hear his stories!!

I believe if we were more like children this would be a happier place... Instead, we have lost our sense of an imagination. I don't want to lose that! ... I remember when I was little I never ever listened to music, I made up songs in my head and sang them all the time.. they even rhymed!! :) ..but i could never do that now without too much thought. ...Their innocence...creativity...caring... adults end up taking that away from them... we should never take that away from them....but that is what I am going to work on... my imagination. Actually.. not being afraid to let people see my imagination :D

Have an amazing night!! God bless!!